Pee Cap

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Privacy Sign secret 1

Where bathing caps protect water dripping from one head a PEE CAP will prevent liquids dripping from another in a discreet way nobody will see. This little plastic cover will insure that your under garments stay nice and dry even if there is a release after your bathroom break.  PEE CAPS maybe an item that few will talk about but many will better if it does exist.

Dead Bird

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It was a bird that flew which would lead me into the ground.   One dead bird who suddenly appeared on my trail and continue to lay there day after day. It’s body slowly decompassing before my eye’s to the point that I felt it needed to be buried.  A good deed gone totally wrong for how was I too know that the land I chose would sink me below as well.  At least it was quick for this sand never revealed I was even here.  Sometimes good deeds get buried deep below.

You’re the FROST

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cold hearted

When someone asks me how I became so cold the answer is YOU!  You changed this passionate heart to ice as I’m unwilling to trust another to warm it up. You are the culprit who killed many other dreams that came my way as I froze up to them before there was even a beat. How many great victories couldn’t get to the starting line because your deceit/deception destroyed the whistle?  Yes you put one over me but you also stopped many others along the track of life.  A life that you will pass because Karma is a bitch and it’s coming to bite you as well with an extra touch of ICE!!


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Old Man

As people age they become less likely to chew on B/S.  They’ve heard it all before and just want the simple direct facts.  Even though it is more blunt and can cut those from the younger generation there isn’t any more time to listen to some politician speak as if flys were swarming around their mouth.  The elderly can smell it before they speak and listen to the horns of truth that others aren’t willing to hear.


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Mother's Daybaby doe and mother

Sometimes our mother isn’t present to help give us those helpful yes even annoying reminders that’s why there should be MOTHERS.COM/APP.  Where you get the advice and reminder from a very own mother.  The App will remind you to do all the wonderful and annoying things your mother would tell you do from basic home duties to personal hygience and of course how to treat others.  You can choice the type of mother you want to remind youwhether it be based on an ethnicity or “style”.  Once you sign up for the app then you go to the .com page for personal advise as well.  MOTHER.COM/APP isn’t it time you had motherly advice every step of the day.

Netflix Introduces ART to the WORLD

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change world netflix

Netflix has done more to bring art to the entire world then any previous entertainment source. For while in the past we might have a watched a foreign movie or show on the BBC Netflix introduces the best of the world to us. Here are just a few of the shows that have had me travel the world.

DARK – This show starts out with a bang and keeps you watching till the bitter end. If you think Stranger Things kept you watching turn off the lights and turn this show on instead. – A incredible German export better tasting then a Heineken.

RAIN-  Here’s a show that you definetly want to have an umbrella for you won’t sing in the rain during these storms. It starts out a little weak but before you know it your stuck in a storm.  Maybe 23 and Me was wrong for I feel a bit Danish at least when it comes to this pursuit.

FAUDA- This show takes you into the minds of the terrorists, those that support them and those who continually fight to eliminate their threats. It is a well rounded show that allows the viewer to understand how others can see their conflicts and although difficult to absorb at points is an important viewing habit.  Israel has another proud export.

3 PERCENT-  This show has a bit too many flashbacks  but the characters it  develops during these sequences is something you will have difficulty experiencing in any other element. It’s concept is all quite unique and it keeps you watching to the last scene.  Now I have another reason to visit Portugal to see the country where this incredible show came from.


Erdogan- Oust

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Turkey Military Coup

It’s time the people of Turkey regain their great history of democracy and freedom by ousting Erdogan out in the upcoming Presidential election this Sunday. This leader has led this one proud country down the path of authoritarian dictatorship which has hurt it’s economic and morale authority.  Ergodan has locked up many of his oppononents and closed many outlets to free expression. The great people of Turkey can open a new page in their history books by voting for a new leader who support their democratic past. Muharrem Ince appears to be just the person to fill this role and G-D willing on Sunday the people of Turkey will decide so as well.



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eyes-in-dark noise-in-dark

I love the darkness if just till the lights come on. Where my creativity can imagine what lurks behind that tree which I can’t see. Every sound is amplified to where the leaves come alive in a breeze.  The darkness allows me to experience life as if I’m looking under a microscope and can’t see anything but feel, hear and even taste it instead.  It can be a state of total fear or one of new light that shines past your eyes. For in the dark you can see more then you can imagine.

Everyone Smiles

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fake laugh 1

Everyone is happy now because it is a crime to offend anyone with “hate speech”.  Since the “Peaceful Existance” law came into effect individuals can be tried, sentenced and reeducated when they cross that line and cause someone pain by insensitive remarks. Judges have been given a wide discretion in determining hate speech even to the point that the individuals above were convicted of hurtful sarcastic laughter when Sally made a joke. The judge was able to determine that their sarcastic laughter was hateful to Sally and caused her unnecessary pain.  They are being retrained in proper laughter and how best to suggest to someone that they might need a bit more work on their humor. The “Peaceful Existance” still guarantees free speech just puts walls up on what actually “should” be said.

FOOTNOTE- Watch out for bricks to this wall being built in a neighborhood near you or that friendly “safe space” now available in lower learning zones.

Roseanne- Better

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Roseanne Barr

As I see literally, the banning of Roseanne over vile words she had said while others from a different viewpoint continue to spout isn’t fair but might just be correct.  For those who are standing higher up on the mountain will fall further down when they slip. This is not just those who are climbing the higher reigns of material success but belong to a philosophy or a viewpoint which has a spiritual realm to it even if it is hidden beneath the clothes.  So we expect more from those in truly put their hand on the bible and mean it then those who do it as a gesture.  In short Roseanne and others with similar viewpoints will suffer more then others from a different viewpoint because their expectations are higher or in other words our side expects and demands better.

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