This Changed Me!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

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There are certain events that have marked our lives and triggered a chance in perspective or actions that we never initially expected in ourselves. Many of those events are hidden in our subconscious and require years of therapy to understand but some still simmer to the top. Here are a few (below) that stand out in my head and the changes that these actions caused.  Each one is a story I either have told or will tell G-D willing in the future.

(1) TEACHER DUMPED DESK- In 6 Grade my teacher dumped my messy desk on the floor and while other students laughed I had to organize it. This left a permanent blueprint to be more organized in everything I do.

(2) LOVED ONE’S MENTAL HEALTH EPISODES- After experiencing dramatic emotional changes due to small actions I back away when people act in irrational ways and use code words to try to calm the situation down instead of argue a logical point.

(3)DOV SIMMONS 2 DAY FILM CLASS/ROCKY Helped me realize the sky is the limit even if it’s on the big screen.

(4) BIRTH OF CHILDREN- Helped me understand and live with true unconditional love.

(4) PANCREATITIS/LOST FOUND RING/DOG RUN OVER/JAPANESE FOOD- Showed me who really is in charge and to listen to the signs even if those signs change my faith steps permanently.

(5) FALSE IMPRISONMENT- Changed my whole opinion of those accused of any actions to truly believe in my heart and soul that someone is innocent until facts prove otherwise.

(6) TOM STEVENS FALSE CHARGES- I do my best not to hate an individual but hate what they’ve done. Once hate gains a foothold it can change your entire life.

(7) 911/AUNT’S SUDDEN DEATH- Life can stop on a dime and therefore one should enjoy the moments one at a time.

(8) RICHARD NIXON RESIGNATION- While others cheered around me a certain sadness resided within.  This was the impetus for me to take a deeper interest in the political world for better or worse.

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