We Won!

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US Olympic Team Beats Russia Mets 1986 Win Ronald Reagan Inaguration

I’ve always rooted for the underdog so being part of the “We Won” hasn’t come as often as let’s say “Yankee Fans” but the moments  have truly been worth their time. I guess it’s good to reflect on some of those victories especially when “we” have been going through a bit of a drought.  Here are just a few in various walks of my life.

SPORTS- The top sports victory that we won at where I was part of the “we” had to be either the 1980’s U.S Olympic Team beating the Russian’s or the 1986 Met’s Winning the World Series (where I went to game 6) followed closely by Buster Douglas stunning fight with Mike Tyson.

POLITICS- Ronald Reagan’s victory led to a stunning amount of years of “we” fellow Conservatives feeling that we were back in charge.  It continued till the end of George W. Bush reign.

ENTERTAINMENT- Seeing “Rocky” win best movie of the year inspired the underdog spirit in movie followed by a hit or two from the G0dfather 2.  Being part of the 1980’s Concert scene every other weekend I felt as if “we” were listening and feeling the movement of the music together.


Tonight-Republican Presidential Debate- It’s now or….

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donald trumpMarco Rubio 3Ted Cruz 2

I know there is also John Kasich & Ben Carson in the CNN debate tonight but tonight one of these 3 will have to truly shine… actually only 2.  For Donald Trump can float by the stage and say a few words here or there while Marco & Ted will have to have the debate of a lifetime (or perceived by the media as such) for them to change the narrative that is told by those elites about where the campaign is going.  It may not actually be what you say but how it is perceived by those in the Super Tuesday states and the shows they are influenced by, that will make the difference in the entire election cycle.  Tonight is truly the night where campaigns and even this country’s destiny for the next four to eight years can be determined. Let’s just say the cards, rabbit foot and socks are on this table.

At what point

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Relaxing at work

They’ve always dreamed about being in a movie but when the going got tough they went to  “Boston Market“. It was during the filming of ASU that I realized we might say we want something in our life but only will commit to go so far to get it.   At work today it appears for most that occurs exactly at 4:30PM no matter what is left behind even if it’s a customer.

For me that point appears always longer then most and as I get older I wonder if I’ve missed the point altogether. It is very difficult for me to leave one paper behind for another time or not shoot for an opportunity no matter how far the basket might be.  My obligations to others (in my head) often have taken over my responsibilities, opportunities and fun in my personal life.  Yet the point is getting closer in my life as major expenditures appear to be coming to a close where I see that folder closing even if it’s not been fully read. The problem is looks can be deceiving and sometimes what we see might further down the shore then we expect.  It will take many tiny steps to get there but there will be a time when this occurs,  the problem is I just might not be there to put up my feet.

Trump winning & unifying

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donald trump

Donald Trump is winning but unifying the party is a whole different story and with the following approach (below) this story will be written.  Trust me I’m still rooting for Marco Rubio and will stay in his camp until the fat man & woman start singing but it pays to the think of the whole picture in advance.

(1) PICK YOUR ADVERSARIES- Publicly state that you will be looking into having your Republican Presidential opponents in your cabinet and drop a few names of those that have already  dropped out   (ex Chris Christie as Attorney General and Mike Huckebee as Educational Secretary). Go a step further and suggest that if/when Marco Rubio decides to drop out that he would be high on your list as a V.P. candidates and Ted Cruz would be someone you would strongly consider to replace Anthony Scalia’s position on the Supreme Court.

(2) DETAILED PLANS – Come out with thoroughly vetted plans on economic and foreign policy issues that have been reviewed by top experts in the field.

(3) PRESIDENTIAL- Continue to speak in plain tone but lower the volume a bit and listen without interrupting unless truly necessary.

Cancer Cure = Study Formaldehyde

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Scientific Experiment

One time I spoke to a top Oncologist as the layman that I am and suggested freezing the area where Cancer Cells have been detected or utilizing a “Donald Trump” (Donald wasn’t actually in that conversation then but it gives a better illustration) to prevent such a spread and he said that was on the cutting edge of their research, so today I propose Formaldehyde.  Scientist need to take healthy cells and see how they change to Cancer Cells step by step when introduced to Cancer causing Chemicals such as Formaldehyde. Once they see the beginning of such a change they might then either be able to reverse this pattern by introducing an Anti-Formaldehyde types of chemical, keep it from spreading to other cells, or find easier ways to detect the Cancer from the initial cell change.  I believe to destroy evil you must see the foundations in advance and find ways to attack before major damage can be done.

Thursday CNN Debate- Hit Donald Trump- For his good

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Spanking a child donald trump

The remaining Republican candidates must be willing to spank Donald Trump at the CNN debate this Thursday for his own benefit.  Just as when you spank your child (Thank G-D it wasn’t necessary for me) you do it out of love so at this point in the campaign the attacks must be done in the same fashion. For the betting odds are saying he has a good chance to be the Republican nominee and if that becomes the case (still hoping and praying not) he must be ready for the fight of the century.  Therefore his opponents must not attack his character he’s already shown an ability to take those punches and hit back harder but his policies and how they would be implemented. Sarcasm will be used on the big stage so there’s no reason to hold back on those punches as well.  Hit him also on the to wealthy to care because that will definitely be an angle the Democratic nominee  will throw most of their punches at him should he enter the main boxing ring. Donald probably won’t enjoy such a spanking but it will make him a better candidate in the general election if it doesn’t stop him there.

Now it’s arrogance

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John Kasich

John Kasich’s only reason to stay in the race after another awful finish in Nevada is to fulfill some arrogant ego trip.  For when you come in the bottom tier of 3 out of the 4 state votes you must see that your message isn’t coming home or anywhere else. Please also note that his 2nd place finish in New Hampshire was mostly a fluke  due to a last minute snafu by Marco Rubio. Some might feel that I’m picking on Governor Kasich but I actually like him it’s just there are reason’s (below) for the others to stay in the race. Although even those reasons are drying up like water in a desert and unless a victory comes along by early March even the camels won’t be able to ride you to the finish line.

(1) Appears to be the unifying voice against the Donald Tidal Wave by coming in 2nd in the last 2 races but unless he is able to get a better board that wave will crash on him and the entire Republican Party

(2) Ted Cruz- Has a unique strong conservative message but if the public continues to not listen by Super Tuesday maybe he should just voice it from the Senate.

(3) Ben Carson- I’m not really sure why he’s in the race other then he’s retired and this gives him a chance to visit the country for free.  Yet he isn’t really pulling votes from any directions so I guess let the tour bus continue until the monies pull out.

Paid $ Friends

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exchanging money 2 frat

When I was a few years younger (maybe more then a few) I thought that joining a Frat was pathetic because you were in a sense paying for friends but as the years go bye and bye I gained additional wisdom that modified such a position. For in sense we all pay for friends whether it be through the clubs and organizations  we join or even our educational pursuits, we all hope to gain a friend or two along the way.  Many of us will even transfer out of such institutions or group even if we’re doing well and learning what we want if we don’t find the buddies to share it with.  With that philosophy in mind I realized paying Google to broadcast my ideas to a larger audience, is a form of paying for friends as well and I’m okay with it.  For friendship might have to start with a down payment but if you invest in the right friends it could be the best investment you’ve made in your life.

Friends 1 guy friends

Further note I understand Sponge Bob & Patrick break this rule but they’re special.

Lumber Liquidators or bargain cost more

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Lumber Liquidators

This is probably the ad campaign that Lumber Liquidator$ didn’t expect but sometimes a bargain can cost you more, might be more accurate.  For some flooring that this store has sold has a 3 times higher rate of causing Cancer then the CDC previously reported.  The company has stopped selling this Chinese imported product that contained Formaldehyde but the damage has already been done.  I’m betting that the company will take strong measures to change this perception right away and that their future will be a whole light brighter then those who have suffered from the material that they’ve sold.

Republican Primary- Unconventional Thinking

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John Kasich

Conventional thinking says that the sooner the field shrinks from Kasich, Ben Carson, and Ted Cruz the better chance for Marco Rubio to gain the Republican nomination but what if a different path is considered.  Let us say that by Kasich staying in the race Ohio is denied as a win for Donald Trump as are a few other states.  While at the same time Texas is won by Ted Cruz instead of the Donald. Ben would keep smiling I guess.  Maybe enough 2nd place finishes by Marco Rubio will enable him to squeak by in the delegate count at the end just enough to deny Mr. Trump the nomination. Then Kasich and Cruz could give the delegates they won to Marco at the convention enabling him to get the Republican nomination.  You might think this is too strange too occur but 6 months ago nobody thought a  business man with no political experience would be the front runner in the Republican Presidential race either.

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