At what point

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Relaxing at work

They’ve always dreamed about being in a movie but when the going got tough they went to  “Boston Market“. It was during the filming of ASU that I realized we might say we want something in our life but only will commit to go so far to get it.   At work today it appears for most that occurs exactly at 4:30PM no matter what is left behind even if it’s a customer.

For me that point appears always longer then most and as I get older I wonder if I’ve missed the point altogether. It is very difficult for me to leave one paper behind for another time or not shoot for an opportunity no matter how far the basket might be.  My obligations to others (in my head) often have taken over my responsibilities, opportunities and fun in my personal life.  Yet the point is getting closer in my life as major expenditures appear to be coming to a close where I see that folder closing even if it’s not been fully read. The problem is looks can be deceiving and sometimes what we see might further down the shore then we expect.  It will take many tiny steps to get there but there will be a time when this occurs,  the problem is I just might not be there to put up my feet.

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