Miracles Today

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

sun rising

As many in the faith community study  “miracles” that are tied to their faith (ex 7 Plaques, Jesus etc) many of us wonder where are those miracles today?  Yet every day that we get up and breath air is a miracle in itself. For if the combination of oxygen and CO2 was just off a bit, the sun was only one millimeter closer or further away, or a thousand other things differed just a bit we wouldn’t have that breath.  Maybe we if we take the time to appreciate the miracles of daily life a bit more then we could see the bold other miracles in our life. Here (below) are just a few miracles I’ve witnessed.

(1) The prayers of loved ones (including me) on behalf of those who were on their death beds recovering with no medical reason known.

(2) Many a lost item suddenly found after a prayer in which I had looked for this item in that location in the past.

(3) Experiencing breakthroughs in my business where there was no hope before such a prayer.

(4) Witnessing faith healing at the time of such a prayer.

(5) The continual existence and growth of the state of Israel as it is surrounded by enemies from almost all sides.

(6) The destruction of the Soviet Union in my lifetime.

(7) The birth of my children.

(8) A call received just as a thought of that person or event occurred in one’s head

(9) Sukkot Miracle- Just as the rain drops starting to fall I asked G-D to intercede and move it away. The rain left our Sukkot only to return with full strength once we returned inside

(10) Praying that my wife’s Diabetic meter stop ringing out and it did.

(11) A simple prayer with a friend lead me to find something I was looking for all day long as soon as I turned around.

(12) Witnessing a loved one suddenly turn from extreme anger to peace in an instant when this never occurred before. I prayed when the tension appeared to begin.

(13) My car being left without basically a scratch after expert said it wouldn’t even survive. (longer version available). Prayer occurred before.

(14) Suddenly finding my daughter after a heartfelt prayer.


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