Workout like dog

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

work out


After going to my gym yesterday and pumping the iron I truly got a taste of a workout.  Just when I was about to go to sleep this workout begun and then after a few hours of shut eye it continued.   I’m not sure which muscles it dealt with working out but it definitely was wet. What was extraordinary is I didn’t sign up for this workout and it was free although if I payed for it I’d try to get my money back.  Of course I’m talking about the dog work out it begins with a lick, continues with a midnight or so walk and then the whole process begins again several hours later and then (you get the point).  If you really want to experience this hell then come over and sleep in my pajamas I’ll skip it and get some shut eye instead.

True President(s)

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

ted cruz rand paul


    Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would be true Constitutional Presidents.  This doesn’t mean that the rest of the Republican field would not uphold Constitutional authority and restrictions of the office of the Presidency, it just means that Mr. Cruz and Paul would be held to a higher a standard because of their vocal positions on this power.  Any break away in using power outside the constitution would be met with strict opposition from the press and their loyal supporters who would put them in office for this purpose above all else.  Ted Cruz and Rand Paul might have difficulty getting elected to the Presidency though because the media will clearly paint them as extremist that will do away with “needed governmental assistance programs”. They also might have difficult governing if elected because those in power (governmental bureaucrats)  will use every tool box to stop them and have the media elite on their side. Yet make no mistake if elected Ted Cruz and Rand Paul would bring the Constitution back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Let it be.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

Image result for odd friendship

In my last blog I discussed the issue of homosexuality and the reason that those of faith react to it but are there times that we should “let it be” without a word?   I believe as long as we clearly state our position on an issue  of concern with understanding on how that other individual feels once, then maybe it’s time to “let it be”.  We must realize that nagging or preaching to an individual that doesn’t want to listen can turn them further away then bring them closer and who knows the other issues you might have in common.  We also must build a structure of friendship and concern before we can even offer such advise because without that balance our words can fall on deaf ears or be met with anger.   “Let it be” shouldn’t mean giving up but knowing when words of prayer can truly help instead of words spoken. By agreeing to disagree on certain positions we might open a door to a friendship that is stronger then we ever expected.

Homosexuality & Cigarettes

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments

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We’ve heard many people from secular society say  that all the homosexual community wants is to be accepted but I believe that is just smoke in the face to those of faith.  For would you accept your son and daughter being a chain smoker or would you try to change them?  You might ask what does one activity that damages or kills your life here have to do with another activity that appears to be perfectly safe (accept unprotected) in this world. Those of faith don’t just worry about our loved ones now but their eternal soul as well.   We believe that by acting in certain ways it not only hurts your connection to G-D eternally but might hurt your connection to the lord now.  Those of faith understand that decisions by the individual must not be forced by the sword but be met by the soulful reflection of such an individual.   We ask that our faithful concerns are met with love and tolerance even if they disagree because it’s out of love and concern that we dare address them in the first place.

Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition- 3/20/15

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

Image result for wall street journal

This week I focused on the stories you probably wouldn’t have heard about if your didn’t read this blog or actually read this week’s edition of the paper.  Therefore this blog post should  save you time, educate your mind and also save you a few dollars.

(1) The federal government is looking to impose new rules on fracking which the industry is actively opposing.

(2) Scientists are spending time debating whether dinosaurs had lips (and I thought some of my debates were going know where)

(3) There is an active debate whether the government should restrict where people can build housing after massive mudslides and hurricanes.

(4) Jeb Bush’s educational testing plan,which demonstrated upgrades in student performances, is facing push back from many  parents and educators  as they believe that students are being over tested are taught to learn toward a test instead of learn to be educated.

(5) Netanyahu’s change in political posturing where he played the underdog in the last few weeks appears to have given him and his supporters the edge in the Israeli election.

(6) Drone deliveries face additional hurdles from weather, battery life, birds, regulations and even gun toting neighbors that make their deliveries less certain then predicted.

(7) Growth sales in Porsche create concerns in management as they fear overproduction will hurt their niche image.

(8) A  Gas Pumper left 8 million dollars to his heirs as his stock investments and frugal lifestyle paid off for them.

(9) New Visual Reality can be had for a small investment in a $25.o0 viewer as long as you have the correct smartphone App.

(10) You can get first class tickets without paying the price through last minute upgrades when you check in, through an online auctions, or book your flight way in advance.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments

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Their is one place where the wealthy and less fortunate actually sit in the same seats. It may not be found at the same restaurants, hotels, stores, or positions they have so where is this location?  This is a location where a greater truth will be found that will give you meaning for this life and the life to come.   Where wealth might bring you a closer seat to the pew but the meaning permeates throughout the entire room as if you’re all sitting in the front row.  WHAT IS THIS PLACE?

How far from .. RICH

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

Image result for RICH

Someone get a Fire Extinguisher.

For some it’s not how much money they accumulate but how much money their close friends and family make. They can stay at their house, eat at their restaurants, and even go to the top shows without grabbing a dollar from their own wallet.  In return for the generosity this wealthy individual gets to hang out with them which includes  enjoying their humor, perspective on life and most importantly receive their support and love.  For the one who has the rich loved one they enjoy the perks without the pain of getting there themselves, yet must return to their own “normal lives” dependent on the will of the wealthy.   If they are able to keep the relationship true and strong this can be a wealthy friendship that last a lifetime.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments

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   Are you willing to make a sacrifice when you do something wrong intentionally or unintentionally?  Would you sacrifice your wealth or success for a greater good at a certain time?  When the Tabernacle and Temple my ancestors did just that as they brought their most worthy possessions (their animals) to the mount to be sacrificed to G-D. Yet this sacrifice was only for mistakes they made to G-D for sins that were committed against fellow human beings forgiveness from those individuals must also be sought. Today we don’t have the Temple to offer such a sacrifice but if instead when we sinned ( intentionally or unintentionally) we truly asked to be forgiven and gave of our financially reasons and/or other means to those less fortunate I believe that sacrifice would cleanse our souls as well.

Chance of a Lifetime

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

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If a man in the 1980’s came up to you and said do you want to invest in my home computer company that I’m building from my garage by the way it will have to  compete against the biggest companies on the planet would you take this chance? Probably not and neither would I but we would have lost out on the opportunity to get in on the early stages of “Apple” currently the most profitable business in the world.  Today I’m starting a much smaller venture and like any venture there are many risks involved. I don’t expect to  be “Apple” but only G-D knows where it will go.  Yet I believe I’ve put together a wonderful team that has the talent and resources to bring this plan to fruition. I have the financial resources to do this alone (without selling the dog) but will offer the opportunity to family and friends to get involved involved once we verify that (G-D willing) it has wings to fly.  The main reason I’m considering giving them this offer is because I would love to be able to add additional wealth and success to the ones I love who have been there for me. They will receive a letter with this type of general information included and then they will determine if it’s worthy to contact me. I will not pressure them because this has to be money they can afford to lose and still love me the next day.  Who knows this could be the “Chance of a Lifetime” and those doors only open to those who are willing to push it.

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