Stop Voting… if you want

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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The President suggested that it might be a good idea to have mandatory voting but I wonder do we really want everyone to vote?  Why would we want people to vote who don’t even know the basics of our constitution and who is our Vice President?  Why would it be so important to have those who are willing to wait hours and hours online to get to a concert or buy an IPAD but can’t find a few minutes to get out and vote?  How about those people who don’t want to vote as a protest to the current system and the choices they have should they be forced to vote? In a free society we must insure that people have the right to vote or stop voting if they so choice.

The Media Elite Turn on Obama

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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What would it take for the “Media Elite” to turn their back on President Obama? Obviously it isn’t scandals or unconstitutional acts so what would it truly take? Here are a few actions that I believe would truly make this occur. PLEASE SHARE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS.

(1) President Obama has a change in heart and soul and is now “Pro Life”. Furthermore he will committ resources to help save unborn lives.

(2) The President accuses “Hollywood” of making films that are too liberal and believes that there should be balance even if he might disagree.

(3)  Church  membership becomes an active Sunday occurence for him and his family and it’s not the Jeremy Wright version.

(4)  True resources are brought to battle Muslim Extremism and the President isn’t afraid to call it what it is.


Home Detective

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business - No Comments

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Have you ever misplaced an item and all paths lead to know where then it’s time for “THE HOME DETECTIVE”.   The “Home Detective” will ask you pertinent questions online that will help you get closer to your missing item and if all else fails will send one of it’s representatives to your house to find that missing item.  It’s time to put your mind at rest it’s time to hire “THE HOME DETECTIVE”


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments


How many years did it feel like as I felt alone? Whether it was sitting at a lunch table where no one else sat or being in a crowded room but feeling like a ghost with just a wind passing between me and another person.  Feeling alone still haunts me in my dreams and thoughts years later when the experiences are much less relevant that was until last night. Last night I realized the truth that I was and you are never alone.  Your best friend and creator is sitting right next to you.  You could be stuck in a hospital where no else visits you or alone at a movie theater because everyone else is busy but G-D always has the time and is there with you. G-D doesn’t need an invite and as even there when know one else seems to care G-D does. The Creator will a find a way to lift you out of your despair and loneliness if you just acknowledge his presence in your life and ask for G-D’s help.  So the next time your feeling alone look past the empty seat and feel that G-D is here sitting across from you and caring for you like no other can.

Last Man On Earth- Is Alive!

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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The Last Man On Earth is alive with humor, great character development and an original script.  I decided to wait to see 3 episodes before writing my critique on the show to see whether it will still be as good over that period of time and it continues to prove me right. What is amazing is the story continues to grow even though the cast and characters are quite limited.   I could be tired or even in a cranky mood but after watching an episode of Last Man On Earth I feel on top of the world with laughter.

Dog Speech Trainer

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, Philosophy - No Comments

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After reading the book “Ghost Boy” I realized that many people that are considered unable to communicate have abilities that are far behind what we perceived but how about dogs?  Are dogs depth of learning way behind what we believed? Can dogs learn to use modern technology to say they’re hungry, thirsty or even want a hug?   Wouldn’t it be great if there was a well trained  Dog Speech Trainer that could help our dogs increase their communications as well? It’s time to open the communications line between us and our four legged friends it’s time for Dog Speech Trainers.

Netanyahu Wins Obama Wins

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

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It appears that the White House is betting on a Netanyahu loss for them to win in the Middle East but that is precisely the opposite policy they should follow.  For a Netanyahu victory will insure the Iranian deal their negotiating doesn’t turn out to to be a “Chamberlain Deal” which will destroy their legacy for good.  The administration could blame the failure of the talks (if a bad deal is made) on the interference of the Prime Minister and walk away from the table instead of selling the entire table.   If on the hand if the administration insists on formulating a poor deal then the Prime Minister will due what’s necessary without delay to stop Iran from developing the bomb. If  another Prime Minister wins he/she might be willing to give extra time for the Iranian deal which is what Hitler wanted when developing his arsenal, that resulted in a small conflict turning into a World War.  If the President truly is able to  a good deal with Iran then the Prime Minister would be the best man in his corner to support such a deal.  That is why either way the card is pulled from the deck Prime Minister Netanyahu victory is a victory for President Obama and the world.

Chocolate Review- Plus my review

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, food, Philosophy - No Comments

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* 1/2  Vita Organic Goji Chocolate is one of the worst premium chocolates I’ve had. The chocolate flavor has a flowery taste with too much of any emphasis on the Goji and not enough on producing a quality product.  Too insure that my mood (below) didn’t have an impact on the review I had a piece of Divine Dark Chocolate and thoroughly enjoyed that flavor

** 1/2 MY MOOD- Last night my stomach hurt and it was a difficult day at the office.  Upon my return home though everything fell back in order. There is a possibility that  there was some residual effects from my earlier experiences but not enough to truly effect my review.

A Just Critic

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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It may not be the art the critic is reviewing but the mood of the critic that determines the review.   Many times it’s hard to separate your personal emotions from the emotions that you feel when you’re experiencing a piece of art and therefore a review might be tainted by those feelings.  Furthermore affections or disdain for the artists might make your review subject to that bias as well.  Health conditions can also affect how someone see’s a particular piece of art for examine can you imagine reviewing a concert with a headache or sinuses.  Therefore for a reviewer to be perfectly honest they must take note of their emotional biases and tell those who would read such a review if there is any chance that this might affect their true feelings of this piece of art … (see my next blog)

Anger 1st!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

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When I was a waiter in camp we came back much later then our curfew but instead of feeling bad for what we did our leader told us to act angry for what had occurred. This anger through our counselor off guard and we got away without being punished.  Today many people use that technique when they appear late for work or even absent. We’ve also seen government officials yell “What difference does it make!” when they obviously know it makes a difference.  Hillary Clinton today appears indignant about even the thought of allowing her server to be independently inspected by a third party when many just want to find out the truth. Could this anger help to throw us off the real target of finding the truth?  Angry 1st is a technique that works in many cases because we are so confused by the reaction of the guilty party that we assume they must be innocent because normally people would feel contrite.  Therefore we must be careful to examine who uses Anger 1st and whether that anger is real or utilized to get us off their backs.