5 Minutes More..

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

Image result for 5 minutes more

If only I had taken 5 minutes more to listen, look, laugh & to think how much better would my words appear?  Would I have been more persuasive if  instead of putting up a defensive wall I opened that wall to listen to those with differing views and used their own thoughts and ideas in my argument? Would the world appeared more vibrant with colors if I had looked a bit deeper at a picture or listen to a song a few minutes longer?   Most importantly would my loved ones feel that love as I listened more carefully to their own words and thoughts and took 5 minutes more to laugh and enjoy time with them.

Dumb TV Shows

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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Let’s face it there are some shows geared to those that aren’t brain surgeon’s or don’t want to practicing surgery this night.  They have simple black & white characters with taped laughs and/or action that starts from the opening scene.   T.V Producers realize there is a demographics of dumb people or one’s who act that way when watching television. These shows are not  made  to make you think but to kill some time and keep you off the streets and your brain. Yes they are silly and stupid but there are times when it’s best to escape to “Gilligan’s Island” or any reality show (except for Shark Tank(s)).  To escape such feelings of guilt while watching these shows I recommend watching them upside down, seeing them with closed eyes, counting how many taped laughs occur and/or counting the amount of nice cars demolished,  doing your homework or a crossword puzzle while they occur. If all else fails pretend your sleep while watching because rest assured your brain will be getting some shut eye.

No Anger!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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What would happen if you didn’t have the ability to angry? You probably wouldn’t act out in fit of anger that destroyed your life but would your motivation for change by stymied as well.  Would you work those long extra hours to see that things move forward or would you take an extra long coffee break in-between? It is said it’s best not to get to angry because that anger only boils up and erupts in destruction or makes it more difficult to move ahead but sometimes slight anger is the steam that moves the railroad of progress.  To conclude it’s best to have some anger in your heart to injustice but not to the point that it overwhelms and consumes yet just enough to help you keep moving ahead.

Wall Street Weekend Edition- 3/14/15- NEWS FOR TRENDOID’S

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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I realize that many people are tired of the news that effects others that could come to their corner they instead want to know what is occurring in those corners of culture.  It might not be my look I’m drawn too but here are the stories (below) that hit our cultural button.

(1) Leica Camera- continues to be successful with a retro looking camera that works with modern digital technology.

(2) Seinfeld episodes are the latest rerun that Hulu, Amazon.Com, & Yahoo appear to be paying big bucks for (up to$ 500,000 per episode).

(3) Sugar Prices have hit a six year low so watch how sugar is the new additive to make a comeback.

(4) Apes appear to be into fads as well as observed with the leaf in the ear look.

(5) Bassem Yousef the John Stewart of Egypt has moved to Boston and is looking to continue his artistic endeavors in the United States.

(6) Cities across America are offering unique food fads that the big cities haven’t kept up with.

(7) Dominoes’ Restaurant’s continue to be a growth stock as they keep up with new technology to reach expanded audiences and to continue to speed up services.


Best Billionaire

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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I would be the best billionaire  or even multi-millionaire.  For I don’t desire a fancy car, jet, or house… well maybe one or two couldn’t hurt. Excuse me I have a have billionaire dollars remember.  My personal possessions wouldn’t be the driving force but the desire to create more wealth for those around me by creating and building new business opportunities for them as well as bringer innovation to the marketplace. As these individuals from all backgrounds, creeds and faiths earned higher incomes they would also have to perform within a certain morale code based on strict Jude0-Christian values.   I would also start charities where those that worked there would have incentives to see that positive changes continued to occur until their good works weren’t needed for society and then they would receive a huge bonus.  The wealth I gained as a billionaire would benefit me but far from the extent it would benefit society as a whole.

No Television

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

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I sat looking at a blank screen eager to bring it to life but still staring at it’s darkness. Of course many days I couldn’t watch television because I worked to long or was traveling somewhere but never out of choice but yesterday was such a day.  I was busy writing and looking for missing items but there was time to get a little boob action maybe just a quick laugh or some action scene but no I let this drug take a day off from me.  It’s strange how this whole day evolved it wasn’t long ago (maybe for some) that I would wait all day for my favorite shows to go on and watch for hours this was the before DVR and even Beta were invented.   Do I feel better, I’m not sure I just feel different but it appears that I’ve survived and the world has as well maybe feeling different every once in awhile isn’t so bad after all.

Dog Guilt

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny - No Comments

sad dog

Can you stop looking at me like that? I’ve played with you for over an hour and Daddy needs a rest. Come on we went for like twelve walks and I’ve got to do a little work. Who do you think pays for those dog biscuits?  Anyway I should be mad at you for the little present you left me when I came home (and it wasn’t even wrapped).  I’m really not that interesting if I was then I surely wouldn’t be home spending time with dogs. Okay I was wrong I guess I can fit in one more walk it’s only 2AM.


Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy - No Comments


   If after you prayed a miracle occurred would you link your personal prayer to the miracle? How would you know if your divine words changed G-D’s heart or whether someone’s else’s prayers or deeds were the reason this occurred.  Yet if your prayers were the reason G-D intervened and you didn’t take any notice of his answer would G-D intervene again or move on to someone else who noticed his deeds?  This is a extremely difficult thought to process because you want others to see the actions that G-D can play in their lives through prayer but you don’t want them to pray to you.   I believe the answer resides in balance for all though  G-D pays special attention to those who live their lives trying to serve him he still answers the prayers of all of us.  These individuals may acknowledge that their prayers have been answered but it’s just as likely that this occurred  because of the prayers of others then just the prayers of them. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE?

Is it bettter to be Late then…

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

running late

 Is it better to be late then to not come at all? The truth is I’m always late for Synagogue but if I came earlier my mind probably would have left hours ago.  I can’t usually help being late for work because a whole bunch of people have also decided they didn’t want to be late for work at the same time and highway I’m on.  I’m testing out “Fashionable Late” as I write my blog 12 hours later then normal.  Yet don’t blame me that this occurred but look to the hotel 4 Star hotel that charges for Wi Fi service while my 2 1/2 Star hotel gives me Wi Fi, Office Space and pool (good for thinking time) for free.  It is not the time that you arrive but the perception of that time to those that are waiting.

News that effects you!

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Uncategorized - No Comments

breaking news

What news actually effects you? I’m not speaking about the news that makes you feel a certain way during a day but changes that day almost entirely.  Of course weather news has a direct effect on us unless we leave in a strong bubble or live underground.  Economic news can also have an impact if our office must cut back or suddenly has a new position for hire. This type of news can also impact the prices we pay at the pump and the grocery store.  We can feel good when our sports team wins the big game or our favorite star wins an award but the true effect on our life’s is just emotional.  We can mourn the death of a great leader but unless we worked with them the impact is just emotional as well.  News hits us most when it’s closest to home yet many of us (including myself) can be glued to a story half away around the world with an animal that is far removed from us.  I guess in the end we are a emotional creatures and although a story may not directly change the flow of the day it’s drain or gain on us can truly make or break that day.