Ray Rice a different take.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, NFL, Philosophy - No Comments

Ray Rice

We all are disgusted with the violence we’ve seen in the Ray Rice video but is that 30 seconds the end of this man?  Is he too live a life as a man with a scarlet letter  never to be given the chance for redemption? I believe this shouldn’t be the case. Ray Rice should be suspended by the NFL but suspension shouldn’t be banning.  If he is willing to get mental health treatment so he learns to keep his violent behavior on the football field on the field, seek other guidance and speak out for mental health treatment then he should be given a 2nd chance.  For if he is banned it will only cause others to hide their actions and not seek the treatment they need. If on the other hand he is given a chance for redemption and becomes a spokes person for mental health treatment maybe we can truly stop the cycle of violence.

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