How I observe the Sabbath?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Faith, Philosophy, Uncategorized - No Comments

Sabbath Rest

How to observe that day of rest called the “Sabbath”? One of the most significant commandments in the Torah/Bible not only because it’s mentioned so many times but because it’s in the 10 Commandments. The Commandments that Hash-m spoke directly to the entire Jewish people if not the world. Yet still today there are many discussions on what you can and can’t do even among those that are traditional let alone those that aren’t.  I have my own way of observing this day. HOW DO YOU OBSERVE IT AND WHY?

(1) One day of the week we should take a break from our daily work. Traditional this occurs on Friday night and there is much written on why this should occur then. I follow this tradition today but in all truth have not followed this day of the week in the past.  I end my work day at 5:30PM and therefore begin my Sabbath at 5:30PM and end it at 5:30PM

(2) You shall not kindle a fire. I believe this is the act of lighting a fire in traditional means to keep warm. This differs from my traditional brothers and sisters who have prohibited the use of cars and turning on lights or electricity.

(3) You shall not pick up Manna.  I interrupt this to mean this is a day I should not go food shopping or out to eat.

(4) You shall stay in your own dwelling. I go to my Shul and stay around the house during the Sabbath or at least stay with my close family and friends.

(5) Finally I try to break away from thinking about business during this one day of the week.  This gives me time to slow down and think about my relationship with family, friends and most importantly Hash-m.


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