When do zip it.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, funny, personal, Philosophy - No Comments

zip it

Sometimes I have news that I feel I need to tell someone but don’t know who I should tell.  I’ve had times when I’ve had great news and it fell on a deaf ear (not literally). There were times when I wanted a shoulder to cry on and only got the back of a head . Therefore I’ve decided to try to think before I speak (please see my rules below). I hope they will be beneficial to you as well.

(1) POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NEWS Are they people who spread the news? If so is that what you truly want to do?

(2)POSITIVE NEWS- Would you consider these people to be jealous of others?

(3) NEGATIVE NEWS – Can these people truly handle the news? Or will they get to upset and not be able to help anyway?

(4) POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE NEWS- Are they the empathic type of person or do you feel like they have the expression of a rock, a flat rock?

(5) NEGATIVE NEWS- Can they be helpful or are they more likely to be someone who finds fault?

(6) NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE NEWS- Are they honest and if so do you want that honesty or would you rather have a cheerleader?

Finally what’s the point of telling them? If you see no benefit to yourself maybe it’s best you just tell the dog or cat.  Maybe just the dog they have those eyes that really make you think their listening and they get excited about almost anything.


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