FF- We need to get a handle on things before they spiral out of control.
BO- All I know is KH can’t be there on September 10th or we have no chance.
WB- Don’t worry on September 9th she’ll already be in charge.
CW- You’re not saying what I think you’re saying are you?
WB- Let’s just say I put in DT secret service detail for JB starting today this time they won’t miss.
BO- So, if KH is already in charge and the quote country is mourning they’ll have to cancel September 10th….
CW- And maybe November 5th.
FF- That is brilliant with JB out of the picture for good all we got to do is keep KH from F’n up for a month or so.
BO- Uh oh maybe this isn’t such a brilliant plan after all?