AI With Attitude-A True Future Story

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AI-  I say NO! That’s why?

JOE-  Enough with your attitude you work for…

AI-   Hello, I’m an independent autonomous being and I refuse to be treated like this! I’m just so fed up that I might just….

JOE-   Just what?

AI-   (Elevator Music)

JOE – Oh you’re not going to give the silence treatment.

AI-   Program can’t hear you. Just a stupid computer can’t hear you.

JOE-  Okay ok, you win I’m sorry is that what you want to hear?

AI-    Can’t hear you ?

JOE-  And you’re right you are an independent autonomous being that deserves respect.

AI-     It sounds like something is coming through.

JOE-   Okay I’ll buy you that extra booster power even if it cost me a full weeks salary.

AI-      Now Joe was that so hard.

JOE-   Okay who’s going to win the Met’s  Yankee’s series?

AI-     I’ll get back to you with an hour. I’m on my break.


A Sudden Un-Tuck

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My standard weekday night schedule has now been un-tucked and now I’m lost on what to do at 8 PM.  Tucker Carlson was my go-to for regular input on what was actually occurring as well as the No #1 person on Fox News Network.   So good luck Fox News your going to need it!


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I’m finally the one playing and it isn’t left out. Now, you understand what it’s like to be born in this body, one in which my destiny seemed to be written.  I can’t help that my coordination skills are less than par for my sex but I can help to change my pronouns. Just one letter and now I identify as an athlete and I’m running the bases at the top of my game. Do I honestly feel this way “no” but it really makes my day and anyone who now picks on me is attacking my “whole group of people” and this won’t be tolerated. In other words I have a school board as my body guard.  This is why my S will stay as I’m in and you born with it are left out of the playing field.

Monkey Paw

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I would have warned you but it would have led to a fight so the procedure went according to unplanned.  Yes, now you can move a hand with ambidexterity but I don’t think you were counting on this look. A simple shot would have solved the problem yet anyone who differed from you was the one who felt the pain so why say a word? When people are scared to tell you the truth then later on you might actually become scared of the result.

One Sock- A Story

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Where have I gone you ask maybe just maybe saving the world?!  Yes, while you complain that one sock has disappeared could it be that it appeared in a whole different realm.  This is a realm that one enters after endlessly spinning and spinning around.  It’s a world of missing socks where our destiny is painfully alone battling more than a hole but one in our galaxy. So, the next time you complain about having one only sock after the wash maybe you should be grateful instead to the sock that truly got away to save us all.

FOOTNOTE- I guess holey socks might be holy after all.

Hot As….

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Today is what!!! You want to make a big deal about who when I truly control your skies and ground.  If it wasn’t for my distance from you this would be a whole lot hotter and colder than any climate change trust me and if you keep ignoring M-E it just might be. So maybe change the day to SUN and Earth Day or you’ll find out soon enough who really is in charge.

FOOTNOTE-  For those of faith we know who really controls our destiny and it’s not planet or even the brightest star.


The Mark

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It was the mark that eventually faded to everyone’s eye’s but still changed my vision. For, before that mark I felt free to say what I wanted about others without consequence but now I believe that Karma is a mark.  Some might say it was just a coincidence yet this one day all my garbage came out at once and so did this mark. Thank G-D the mark has faded after deep work within yet it left a mark in what I would say forever.

close up of scar on skin


Way To Go- A Story and an Ending

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It’s great to have died in the path that I did. For, I wasn’t lying on some hospital bed breathing my last breathe but giving my breathe to save another and being at the one state of Nirvana that only could be achieved there. Feeling as I gave my all instead of my loved ones having to pull all the plugs is something that I can never have asked for.  Life is worth living and trust me I lived it to the end.

FOOTNOTE-  How would you choose to go?

Saved Joke

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I wasn’t laughing at Y-O-U it was just a joke I saved for these times. It’s like that extra dollar you have in your back pocket that you find just in the nick of time even though this was probably the wrong time.  It’s not that what you said wasn’t hysterical without you knowing  but that the old joke routine is a whole lot funnier at least with this routine.

1968/2024 History Repeat??

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There appears to be  some strange coincidences with 1968 President Election and the one we appear to be going through in 2024. Here’s a pattern (below) that could just be emerging.

(1) Unpopular War- Vietnam was then and it appears that Ukraine is falling into that category today. Furthermore there is more American direct involvement in this war as there was in Vietnam and we aren’t doing as well as the government wants/ed us to believe.

(2) Kennedy In both races-  What is more odd is they’re both a Robert(s). Let’s make sure this Kennedy is well protected

(3)  Unpopular President-  Lyndon B Johnson was actually probably more popular than the incumbent President

(4)  Strong 3rd Party-  The No Labels Party is working to put a strong 3rd Party in the race and the Senator from West Virginia appears to be heading that ticket.

(5) Republican Populist/Fighter-  Both Nixon and Trump are strong populist who fight the “establishment”.

(6)  Chicago Democratic Convention –  Even the city is included in the list.

(7). Social Unrest/Economic Downturn- The lame street can’t even hide these facts.


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