Cage The Elephant’s Lesson

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Listen up students for I’m about to give you the lesson right from the Elephant’s mouth so take plenty of notes.  You will be tested in life at the end.

(1) BE YOUR STRANGE SELF- Don’t try to be so “normal” that you fit right in.

(3) DON’T BE A JERK- You can be 1 without being a Jerk and trying to prove something to someone else or hurt another.

(3) GIVE IT ALL- Every moment is like your stage performance so put your maximum energy into it.

(4) HAVE FUN- Don’t take life so seriously that you forget this 3 letter word.

(5) BE CLOSE- Get out there with those you love even in a crowded  field.

EXTRA CREDIT- See Cage The Elephant’s in concert

FOOTNOTE- You are not experiencing a Deja Vu moment Cage The Elephants has been included  in many a recent post.



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I LIVED!!!!   Not only did I get through a torrential rain storm with lightening and thunder to boot but saw one of the greatest concert performances of my life!  Cage The Elephants gave every ounce of their existence into their performance and the audience could feel it even in the back row. They are a band that you can tell loves to perform and loves the people who come out to see  them!  I lived and thank G-D I did for I didn’t see some experience but lived like no other day before!!!

Cage The Elephants or Death

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This might be a bit of a dramatic take but with a thunderstorm scheduled at the same time as my tickets to Cage The Elephants who knows where life will turn.  I’m planning to attend this concert even I’m not able to write about it tomorrow. Again I apologize for the drama yet an outdoor concert in a potential thunderstorm sounds a bit hazardous to one’s health and yet the tickets have been purchased and the gas is in the tank. So please say a prayer that the thunder holds out or that the concert is cancelled due to hazardous conditions because I plan to see them live or at another venue tonight.

Morning Speed

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I honestly believe that G-D sets the clock a little faster before I even get my first Java. It appears that the rest of the day moves at an even pace but the morning has me always rushing out the door. It’s amazing how before the sun rises so much happens in my life that it’s hard to keep track of where the hour(s) have gone. Either I have to get up earlier, lower my expectations or actually live with the picture above.

Alyssa Milano We Would Watch

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Alyssa Milano we would have been your biggest supporters.  We would have been so proud to see our mom as a big star if only you would have given us the chance. Can we say every act we perform would be best for your career probably not but overall our laughter and love would have made you smile more then a stadium full of screaming fans. Not only would we have watched you as your star was bright but even if Hollywood turned down the lights you would have shined in our eyes.  For fans fame and fortune fade away but children remain that is unless we’ve been killed from your life plans.

FOOTNOTE- Alyssa Milano claims the 2 abortions saved her career I honestly believe she killed what truly counts in one’s life journey.

Space War

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The future of warfare will occur in space where the one who controls the satellites will have the decisive edge.  These satellites will monitor areas where the enemy is located and send out probes  that can observe the action on the ground on a timely basis. These probes  will have the technology to eliminate threats on the ground before an army, plane or ship is even notified.  Warfare will be decisive and the enemy will not be able to retaliate in any decisive fashion.  The Space is the new frontier for warfare to come let’s hope the  good man and woman are preparing for it today.

Marilyn Monroe Dress Throne Toilet

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It’s the toilet every woman will want to go to.  For it will have the elegance of a throne combined with the softness and elegance of a Marilyn Monroe dress.  Let’s face it this is one area where one doesn’t look the best so why not dress it up with “The Marilyn Monroe Dress Throne Toilet”.  It might just become the hottest and dare I say sexiest toilet out there.  So sit and enjoy the view.

FOOTNOTE – This post came from YOU as I combined the 2 hottest topics you’ve chosen together.

Where Did She Go

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I had a special woman in my life that always was there for me now I’m not sure she even wants me to be there for her. This woman held my hand when times were tough but I’m not sure she wants me to hold on as it appears she’s drifting away. She enjoyed going out and being the party now she barely wants to get out of bed. This woman worried about what everyone would want to eat as well as drink and now even water appears to be too harsh for her. There are peaks of that woman that can seep through every now and then but too often I just want the mom I knew back again.

Transparency Law

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


The “Transparency Law” would guarantee that any business conducted by public servants be open to those citizens within a pre-arranged time unless publicly classified as a secret by an executive authority. Furthermore after a new administration is in charge that “secret information” will have to still be deemed as such for it to continue to have said classification and this must be a public acknowledgement.  Citizens could then seek a court order after a pre-arranged time to have said material declassified and released to the public. The “Transparency Law” would make sure that the government is run for the good of the people not those they might look to protect.

Life’s ICE

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Life’s ice has beaten me up today.  Watching my family cling to  a loved one who appears to be melting away might be the major cause but other factors are making me feel a bit colder then normal.  Whether it be the constant betrayal of individuals who have been given my trust or the monotonous grind of daily life that has been made me feel more frozen then normal I just know I need to break through this iceberg. Thank G-D new ventures are on the horizon and good people are replacing those that have caused me to feel so cold inside.  In the end I’m sorry to  say ice will probably reappear and take a bit more warmth away but who knows maybe my loved one’s and the  warmth that burns inside will allow me to continue to break free.

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