
Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


It’s time that we start “excommunicating” individuals who truly bring shame to our tribes.  In that vein I’m going to suggest two  from my tribe that that should be given this sentence along with the sentence society has currently provided them. They include  Jeffrey Epstein for vile acts with young children and Bernie Madoff for destroying the trust we in society should essentially have. There are of course others in waiting for such a sentence such as Harvey Weinstein who was and is the poster boy of “abuse of power” but I’ll wait till the wheels of slow justice occur before this sentence is passed. Once individuals are excommunicated for vile actions the only way for redemption back into the faith would be sincere contrition and individual actions that some how redeem a part of their soul.   Excommunicating individuals who commit heinous acts will cleanse the group of the association with evil and might just bring then to true contrition and understanding of the hurt they have not just bought on their loved ones but the groups they belong too as well.

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