President Trumps Actions

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


I know I shouldn’t bring up politics when we’re all together for this festive meal but I figure I have a few hours before we’re seated and I’m going to try to keep it a bit balanced.  Well it’s just a bit (see below) but heh I figured I’d throw my liberal friends a Turkey bone. Please note this is not words but deeds or lack thereof.


(1) U.S EMBASSY IN JERUSALEM– Many campaigns made this pledge but only one put it in actions.

(2) TAX CUTS – If you’re not happy with yours please pass it to the Bud Rebel Charity foundation.

(3) LOWER REGULATIONS- The lessoning of regulations has allowed small and big companies to be more successful for all who work and work with them.

(4) VETERAN MEDICAL BENEFITS-  No longer are our bravest stuck in a governmental run hospital but have vouchers that allow the private sector to compete.

(5) MILITARY PAY RAISE- They are finally getting the raise they deserve.

(6) ISIS ANNIHILATED- We don’t hear to much about the threat they possess and other Radical Islamic Terrorist.

(7) RIGHT TO TRY LAW- Those that were facing a certain end now have the right to try experimental medicine to keep them with us.

(8) NEW NAFTA- Which insures that our trading policies with our neighbors are fair.

(9) NORTH KOREA-  The brave meeting with the North Korean leader has allowed the world to feel a bit more at peace.

(10) ENDING IRAN’S NUCLEAR DEAL- Stopping the world’s largest sponsor of terror from having the means to continue it’s operations.

(11) REBUILDING OUR MILITARY- Finally we have the resources to assure our fighting men and woman have the equipment they need so the enemy fears fighting them.

(12) VISITING THE WESTERN WALL- President Trump is the first sitting president who has visited this holy site.

(13) APPOINTMENT OF CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVES TO THE BENCH- More judges including those on the Supreme Court will make decisions based on the actual constitution rather then make the law.



(1) NOT VISITING TROOPS IN WAR ZONES- The President should have performed this action.

(2) NOT VISITING THE INNER CITY- President Trump needs to get out of his comfort zone and visits those that are still hurting in the communities they live in.

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