Too Catchy?

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This song had me at “Something” without knowing whether it was any good at … all.  It’s so catchy that it grabbed me from the first moment I’ve heard it.  Just a plain good old song with great lyrics, rhythms and best of all fun wrapped in for all to enjoy.

[youtube_sc url=””]

Cool = Confident not….

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

Cool person 1Cool person 3

I have discovered that to be “cool” is not about style (this word is definitely out) or what you have but the confidence that you wear your life with.  Yet it is a balancing act for once someone steps into “cocky” that coolness can melt away.  So you can look way out there but if you feel good about it you will seem as cool as the person trying to fit it.  You can truly follow your own footsteps with pride but not in a way that steps on others and you will be as cool as if you wore the leather jacket hey!


20 MINUTES = The App that listens

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distracted 1 not listening 2

You want to speak to someone about something but don’t want to burden them then it’s time for “20 MINUTES”. This App will allow you time to let you tell your full story to a trained professional, “friend”, or a total stranger for an exact period of time which they schedule to listen.  It will help provide a convenient location for such a conversation to occur or it can happen right on the phone.  This App will also help you find just the right person who will listen through a questionnaire you will fill out.  With the “20 MINUTE APP” you’ll never feel alone with your thoughts again at least during this time.

Bill Oreilly Apologizes to Maxine Waters – What’s Next

Posted by Bruce - in arts and entertainment, Blog - No Comments

Bill Oreilly Maxine Waters

Bill OReilly apologized to Maxine Waters because some were offended that he spoke about her hair instead of what she said … really?  What is going on now are we offended because people notice what we look like? To be honest I believe Congresswoman’s Water’s hair is much better then many of the remarks that come out of her mouth but is this really so offensive that some believe he should be taken off the air?  That’s right there are some from the “extreme” that want Bill OReilly fired for such remarks which leads me to the following point. From now on let us make it a rule that no person can be fired for one statement they make no matter how offensive, ridiculous or silly it can be and if such a remark is made that hurts someone we quickly apologize and move on even faster.

Sanctuary Cities?

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Sanctuary Cities 1 Attorney General Sessions

Attorney General Sessions threatened to remove federal funding for law enforcement  in cities that refuse to comply with the law, regarding sending information on  illegal aliens that have broken the law, to the federal authorities. This is not right, for the citizens who might suffer from increases in crime due to the lack of funding. . Instead let the Attorney General arrest and prosecute public officials who openly break the law by refusing to comply with their oath of office. Of course the Attorney General might clarify that the federal government is only seeking information on those illegal immigrants who are accused of committing a felony or other serious crime.  It’s time that public officials know that there is a new Sheriff in town and he intends to enforce the laws on the book and they only way to change it is to actually change the law.


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Scrambled eggs 2 Scrambled Eggs in Frying Pan

I’m going to share with you a secret that you can tell everyone because life is too short not to enjoy simple pleasures.  After years of preparing eggs for my family I’ve come up with a recipe that truly hits the pleasure spot. There simple to make so you can your own twist or add a touch more or less with the ingredients below but be warned sometimes simple is what your body calls for in the morning. Enjoy and feel free to share as well this one secret.

    Sometimes simple food made right taste incredible
2- Eggs
2-  Teaspoon of Sour Cream=
1-  Havarti Dill Cheese
1-  Pepper
1- Salt
1- Fresh Garlic
1- Rosemary
2- Fresh Dill
1. Shot of Hot sauce-
   1- Mix Eggs,1-Sour Cream and bit dill in blender
    2. Melt butter in sauce pan
    3. When butter starts to bubble and mixed eggs
    4.  Scramble eggs to center using a spatula- This will make them fluffy
    5. Add 2nd teaspoon of Sour Cream
    6. As eggs begin to become fluffy add rest of spices
    7. Lower flame and add Havarti Dill Cheese.
    8. Stir Cheese in eggs and when it begins to melt turn off flame
    9. Add a dash more of salt & pepper
   10. Serve


Late Start- Early

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Alarm clock wake up  alarm clock wake up 2

Today I felt I needed to turn the Alarm Clock off to give my body, mind and soul a bit more time after a very late night of travel.  Fortunately or unfortunately depending on my coffee cup my soul won out and got up bright and early. I probably could have forced myself back to sleep but the time was exactly right 5:08 AM which adds up to 13, a time when a person becomes a man in the Jewish faith. As the man that I am I took my lumps from the day/hours before and got up to start the day even if the yawns and heavy eyes made me think differently.  I guess it’s hard to be late when your real clock is a ticking to get the hell up even if you feel like it’s a bit hot today

AIPAC 2017- DAY 3

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AIPAC 2017 3 AIPAC 2017 2

Day 3 of the AIPAC convention was probable my most exhausting not only for the conference but the long trip home.  Here are just a few points from this day which I’m able to write with 3 hours or so sleep.

(1) SAUDI ARABIA & ISRAEL- Top experts discussed how Saudi Arabia & Israel are working together behind the scenes on military cooperation, security and even business projects.  It appears the old Saudi Arabia is not anything like the one we’ve grown up with.

(2) SUPPORT FOR LATINO AMERICANS- A discussion from various Latino American’s political persuasion (although fairly moderate) occurred where they discussed the power that is growing in this community and why it is so supportive of a strong Israeli/American Alliance.

(3) BENJAMIN NETANYAHU- (PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL) Appeared to be more optimistic with Israeli American relationships with the new administration in Washington D.C.

(4) ABC’s OF TERRORIST GROUPS- We learned about the various terrorist groups in the Middle East their “motivating forces” and how effective we’ve been in defeating them.  Al Qaeda appears to be our biggest threat after G-D willing the defeat of ISIS.

(5) LONG TRIP HOME -Although this wasn’t on the AIPAC schedule it was part of may day and night 3.

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puppy day 3

These pictures have nothing to do with what I planned to write but were the one’s my computer allowed me to use for now. It is day 2 of my punishment from my computer and it has given me a bit of leniency with these two pictures. By tomorrow my computer is planning to end this restriction or I plan to end using it.  When  you hit me with a microchip I can hit you with an Apple.

Convention-Brain Washing

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We who attend many a Convention will see the slight brain washing technique occur throughout. Many start as a blank slate but after time the same messages are repeated ad nauseam until we can repeat the script as if we’re trying out for the play. I understand and respect the need for branding and making sure your audience understand you’ll “make it great again” but sometimes it becomes a bit annoying to the point where you feel a rebellion within. With me this occurs when I start becoming silly and even allow an extra rebellious thought to pop in my mind. A break from such a conference can help you see other prospective’s and actually bring you closer to the script then if repeated over and over again.

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