Individual Faith Observations

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog, Faith - No Comments

Personal Prayer 2 Personal Prayer 1

I have tried the right individual way to observe these two parts of the Shema ( a prayer that comes right from the bible/torah) and believe this one fits just right for me.  Here are the two verses and how I practice observation.  These are not traditional ways to observe the faith I practice and maybe that’s why they hold a bond unto me and hopeful my maker as well.

(1) You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand and they shall be a reminder between your eyes.  I bind a band aid with a special Blue cloth upon my hand and wear a hat in which when I look up can see the rim between my eye’s.

(2) Speak to the Children of Israel and tell them to make for themselves fringes on the corners of their garments throughout their generations and to attach a thread of blue on the fringe of each corner. I take a piece of blue cloth and put in in the 4 corner pockets of the clothes that I’m wearing.

(3) Sabbath Observation– I observe the Sabbath by not performing the work which produces revenue and try to have my mind refrain from such thoughts. I also try not to have others work on my behave by not visiting businesses during this time period unless emergencies occur.  I believe that G-D wanted us to take a break from our routine and take a bit more time to appreciate what has been put on our table without our effort.

(4) Sacrifice In a symbolic gesture I will need eat the first of my portion or the last thereof and instead give it to G-D who gives me everything.

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