Cascade Mall Shooting- It’s too much

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, breaking news - No Comments


What the hell is going on another shooting of innocence now at the Cascade Mall in Burlington, Washington when will this senseless violence end?  It appears ever other week there is some random act of violence against people in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wish there was an easier solution but here’s a few steps that we need to take now!

(1) SURVEILLANCE-   Local police departments must work more closely with mental health professionals to identify those who might be prone to violent actions and make sure they are receiving the treatment they need even if it’s against their will. 

(2) STOP & FRISK-  It’s time we have more zones that have this procedure especially where there is a large gathering of people. The locations for stop and frisk must change as to make sure those who would commit such violent acts never no where they could be stopped.

(3) ARMED & DANGEROUS- More capable civilians should be fully vetted and trained to conceal and carry. This way those who would attempt a violent act maybe stopped anytime not just when the siren’s go off.

(4) SIGNS – There must be signs posted before the entrance of large gatherings that armed security will be present even if it may not be the case.

(5) PROFILING-  It’s time that law enforcement is fully trained in the behaviors that one might exhibit if they might act in a violent way and ways they might be able to short fuse such an action. 


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