Republican Presidential Election-South Carolina- Ted Cruz

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political, Uncategorized - No Comments

Ted Cruz 2

The focus of this blog introspective will be on Ted Cruz and his strengths and weaknesses he brings to the Republican Presidential competition.  Ted Cruz appears to have just the right parts (money, support, grown game) to stay in this race to the bitter end and even get the nomination but is he your best choice? I will again start with the positive and then the negative so you can get the full view.  I again warmly request your comments as well.


1. CONSISTENT CONSERVATIVE- Ted Cruz has a Conservative record in his policy decisions that has been shown for many years. There are always a few minuses that his competitors will bring up but they are much less then most.

2. STAND ALONE- Senator Cruz isn’t afraid to stand alone on an issue that he believes in no matter what the personal consequences might be.

3. ORGANIZATION-  The Senator has produced an excellent grass roots campaign that appears to be unmatched by his competitors in the race.

4.  DETERMINED SUPPORTERS-Ted Cruz strong actions have produced loyal followers throughout the country that will be with him throughout the electoral process.

5. INTELLIGENT-  Even his strongest critics can’t argue with his brilliance.

6. WHITE HOUSE EXPERIENCE- Senator Cruz has actually worked in the White House in a policy role.


1.GRANDSTANDING- Many of his actions (closing down government) had a poor chance of being successful with this administration and only benefited his own political aspirations.

2. STAND ALONE- His stances against those in power may make it difficult to find allies in the legislative branch to pass his agenda.

3. LOOK- He has the appearance of a used car salesman and his performance on stage appears to theatrical.

4. DETERMINED DETRACTORS- Ted Cruz has some of the most virulent critics who will stop at almost nothing from having him enter 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

5. EXTREME LABEL- Senator Cruz wears it with pride but it could bring out those on the fence to vote against him.


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