Please READ & SHARE- It might change your life

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Health - No Comments


Dealing with an individual who has mental health episodes can take the life out of anyone. These individuals are exploding over an issue that makes no sense and the more you attempt to bring logic to such discussions the angrier they can become. I know about this because for years I had to deal with a loved one who suffered with mental health issues without getting the proper treatment. I went through a class at NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) to truly understand what she was going through and how I could survive. .  Here (below) are a few tips that can help you be more effective G-D forbid such an episode(s) occur in your life but please look into NAMI as well for their wonderful resources, understanding and fellowship (a great charity to donate to for the holiday as well).

I   =  You own your feelings no matter what occurs so try to say “I feel, I’m uncomfortable” instead of “You”. ” You” makes the individual who is suffering through an episode more defensive and as result become more aggressive.

ADMIT MISTAKE(S) & ACKNOWLEDGE PAIN = There is a trigger that sets this person off and although it might be irrational if you can find it admit your error.  “I’m sorry I didn’t do, say “….   ” and I’m sorry it caused such pain” might be perfectly for such a moment.

ESCAPE PLACE = Have an escape place to go when it appears things are spiraling out of control . It could be an item you were planning to pick up later that becomes urgent at the moment or a trip to the library to pick up a new book. Just leave for until you feel you can feel “normal again”.

DON’T BRING UP = This is probably the most painful lesson but those who go through a mental health episode paint a different picture then the reality that occurred and the more that you try to “proof the point” the more a worse picture is drawn. Talk about a whole new point and speak in general terms in the future.

DRAW A LINE FOR YOURSELF AND THEM = Once everything goes back to “normal” it might seem to painful to bring up treatment but until you do these episodes will become a broken record with you stepping on the pieces. You can say that you want treatment for both of you or even say it’s for youself but can they come along.  If you have a professional therapist or psychiatrist they will be able to read between the lines and provide the proper treatment that is needed.

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