Crazy Business -Secret Agent

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Crazy Business - No Comments

secret agent


My work’s at the “crazy business” can be seen through the eye’s of a secret agent. Don’t worry it’s not if I reveal these works to you that I will have to kill you but that these works are unbeknownst to those that are most effected by them.  I didn’t save the world but might have saved a few pieces of lumber and screws along the way. For running a small business means you take on challenges that many have walked away from yet nobody gives you the applause or even a clap when it is done.

It was up to me to computerize this business and with a D in computer skills at my University I was just the man not to do it. Not only did I get my only D or so from this class but it was achieved with a lot of help from my friends. Yet I was determined to get this job done so I would wake up an extra hour early everyday and do this work before the rooster was up.  It was accomplished and I kept my identity hidden with only a few to know.

Sales are hardly achieved from the first ten calls to a prospective client and it can happen suddenly when you’re not even in the office. These new clients  bring additional wealth to your business but only when they don’t pay is your identity revealed. Then your fault lines are brought into clear focus with the many victories in the past hidden from public view.

Adding new products to the mix or finding a new way to display them adds growth to stagnant water but only when those products crash and fall does a secret agents/buyers identity be revealed.  Many of the new products you bring in will be challenged from the first day they are seen or heard from and when they sell nobody can remember who was able to bring them to market in the first place.

My work as a secret agent at this “Crazy Business” continues and although I may not save the world I hope to add more life to this business. It may be done without the acclaim and recognition of others yet I continue to fight on for the adventure in my “Crazy Business” begins anew everyday.  The adventure of knowing you have made a difference even if nobody really knows how much.



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