You control

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments



Many an authoritative  leader believes they control the masses but they can’t control you! They might tighten their dictatorial reigns but the mind will always be free.  They might limit the power of the press and religion  but they can’t truly stop you from writing and believing even if only a few a voices can hear. One voice can lead to more voices and then the impact will be beyond their control.  Yet today we who have greater control of our body and mind in a free society will do our best to silence them by the very acts we perform.  Whether it is bringing poison’s into our mind and body that damage from within (Marijuana, smoking,poor food choices) or action that damage our outer core (violent acts, hatred, reckless activities) we limit the one being we can truly control …. ourselves.

Think about me

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments



HAVE  YOU THOUGHT ABOUT ME? Maybe it’s a midlife crisis question or maybe it’s just the question that stays in the back of our mind everyday only to pop out when we least expect it, all I know is this question lead to many other questions (below).

(1) Have my words been misconstrued by their presentation or where and when I said them?

(2) Do I stay in the mind of past loves and hates and if so when and how deep is that impact?

(3) Did any of my words or acts cause anyone to act that caused great kindness or harm to others?

(4) Which had a greater impact the small acts or words I said to a friend or the presentations I made to many?

(4) How long will they remember me once I’ve left this place?

It might be sad but we can truly never gauge the impact our life brings to others for good or bad. All we can do is keep trying to be the best we can be and G-D willing  this makes the world a bit better. 

Friends & Business

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, Philosophy - No Comments

business partners


I was told by many that friends and business don’t mix but I believe that all depends on the friendship that exist.  If that friendship is just based on having a good time then there might be a problem but if it’s also based on synchronized values then there is no reason why there can’t be a success that’s enjoyable as well. For those that enjoy each other’s company and have the same work ethic can find a way to get through the difficult moments together better then those who don’t share these points.  When difficulty arises differences might appear under the microscope but friendship will help pull that microscope away so that a solution based on mutual trust and friendship can continue to make that business and friendship a success.

Personal Diary-6-23-15

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Monday’s are usually a very predictable day but I decided to toughen mine up with a 1 hour massage. It was interesting doing something that was totally for myself, well I guess being more relaxed would allow me to be calmer with friends and family but for this hour I was truly pampered. I remember swimming in the pool in Mexico for the first time in my life the hot wasn’t relaxing but actually too hot.  The massage went well but my masseuse was a bit too quiet for my taste and not the most attractive person in the room. I always wondered how a massage could lead to an act of prostitution but after having someone rub your body down from top to bottom it dawned on me that this could turn into a domino effect where rub went a bit too far for client or masseuse. Sorry for the voyeuristic it was just a thought… for now but could make a great script.

MARCO RUBIO FUNDRAISER- My friend sent me an invite to attend a fundraiser for tonight but I never received a response from the organizer by text or email. I guess I’ll spend my monies in a different spot tonight.

WORK- Work was crazy in the morning but by the late afternoon a few pins could drop and they would have sounded loud and clear.





Crazy Business-6-22-15

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Business, diary - No Comments


Inspired by the book “Waiter Rant” by Steven Dublanica I’ve decided to add my own experiences working in the “family business” to my blog page. Twenty seven years of working within a business that I was never going to go in the first place is an interesting place to start. For I believed and probably still do in someway that a family business was no way to show your individual talent to the world.  It might be my own insecurity that lead me to this believe or the words of supposed friends and the culture around me that made me believe that everyone would say or believe “his daddy gave him this”.  I hope that these stories will help end this myth shed light on the incredible hard work and individual talents of  those that have taken up the calling of continuing a legacy that has truly helped so many and tells about their struggles as well.

Your Page Wanted!

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If you have something to say to the world I want to share it with that world! In that vain I’m offering a page on my blog (for a small fee) to an individual that wants to make sure their words aren’t left behind and a way to make sure those words are actually heard.  If you are interested in this opportunity please respond to this blog with the basic content that you want your page to be about and either a one paragraph bio or resume and we will see whether their is a match. Here is your chance to let your words be heard and make the difference only you can make.

Supreme Court-Marriage Decision-Right & Wrong

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Supreme Court


The correct decision by the Supreme Court on whether to recognize “Homosexual Marriages” would make everyone  unhappy.  It would insure that those unions that were performed in states that recognize “Gay Marriage” would have to be recognized in all states but wouldn’t force any state to perform this act in their state. Therefore if a gay couple moved from NY to Texas their marriage would have to be accepted by Texas but Texas wouldn’t have to actually have to perform these ceremonies within it’s borders. The reason I believe this is the correct decision is because of the “interstate commerce” clause in the constitution. States individually would still have to decide what marriage within their borders.

Acts as Gift

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

opening up present 2

Maybe I’m getting older or wiser but at this moment of my life I would rather have someone do something good in my name then give me a present. This isn’t a rule set in stone so if someone wants to buy me a plane, Lamborghini, or even some new socks I won’t complain, yet if someone promised to do something that I love it would be just as good … (except for the plane and Lamborghini  but I don’t believe they fit in the stocking). It could be making my family dinner, going to Synagogue, or  taking time to charity work together they all would truly be presents that would outlast those socks and many other gifts.  It also would enable them to save $$’s for next years gift if they decided that volunteering isn’t their style in the future. Seriously though a gift of giving oneself can be better then any present in a box.

Forgotten Father

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father's day 2

Today society has downplayed one of the crucial roles that keeps it together “the father“.  For although there are more woman that are forced to play that role it’s best when the true nuclear family stays as one. Men in general have different abilities then woman and as such they add that special role to a family. Even those that don’t believe this to be the case must concede that the love of two adults is better then the love of one.  In my life my father has shown me the way to be a better stronger man who isn’t afraid to set down the lines but only when truly necessary. More importantly he is shown me the importance of fun, support and love that a family needs to have not just when we are young but all through our lives. Happy Father’s Day to all the great father’s that have stood with and by their families!

Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition-6-20-15- RIGHT & LEFT NEWS

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Wall Street journal 2

I originally was going to focus on the news that animals (if they could read) would take an interest in but with the slim pickings, I decided instead to focus on news for those of the Right & Left side of the political aisles with an added light commentary by me. Here are the top 3 stories that I saw from each side plus some interesting facts for everyone.


(1) The Obama administration is putting new standards on trucking that will make them more fuel efficient and emit less carbon emissions by 2018.  Another great idea that is based on emotions rather then logic. Will the cost of goods be prohibitive due to these new requirements? Is the technology available to achieve such goals or will it be tested it on our vulnerable public roads and highways?

(2) Rescinding the Affordable Care Act will cost $137 billion dollars over 10 years? What should be asked is whether American’s will be receiving better quality care at a better price if this act is kept in effect or rescinded?

(3) Mayor’s have actively supported the President throughout his administration?  Making friends is easier when you have a whole bunch of monies you can disburse to them.


(1) Iran has increased it’s support to terrorism in 2014.   Is it just me or does it seem absurd to you as well, to assume that we can negotiate with such a rogue nation until they stop this hideous activity?

(2) Nikki Haley is in the Spotlight after the South Carolina Church massacre. She would make a fine Vice President.

(3) Republican’s voice their concern about the South Carolina shooting. It’s not enough to voice concern from a distance they need to have their bodies and minds down there with practical solutions to prevent such carnage in the future.


(1) It appears to be contrarian thought but a wandering mind can actually help you think.  Know wonder I’m always thinking.

(2) The Kurdish Population is approximately 30 million with Western Democratic Ideals in a part of the world that needs those ideas, yet has no official state.



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