New driver agreement- PLEASE SHARE

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


One of the scariest moments of a parents life is when their child gets a drivers license. For driving is a skill that requires a lifetime of learning and one error of judgment could result in  (G-D forbid) a lifetime damaged or ended before it’s time. Therefore I believe it’s incumbent on every new driver to keep a contract/agreement with themselves  (see below) that they hold onto throughout there driving years. Please share with new drivers or parents of these individuals. It could save a life!



1. I will not drive when I feel that I’m impaired such as over-tired or when I feel I’m too angry.

2. If I’m distracted due to annoyance I will park the cark on the side and take care of the matter that are distracting me before driving again.

3. I will not drive down hills under poor weather conditions such as snow.

4. If I’m unable to drive for any reason (tired, anger, distraction) etc I will call someone to pick me up and leave the car if need be but notify the owner before hand.

5. I will not text or use my cell phone while driving but may have someone else text or call on my behalf.

6. I will not permit other outside factors to effect my driving skills (music, friends talking etc) and therefore if need I will lower the music and/or tell my friends to be quiet.

7. It is my understanding that speed limits and other road warnings were put into effect to keep me and my passengers safe and therefore I will pay attention to those warnings.

8. Although I might ask my friends for driving information I understand that my decision is what I must follow.

9. This agreement is for my own safety and those around me so I intend to keep this agreement for as long as G-D willing I can drive a car.

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