Please Stop Obama

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Iran Nuclear Threat

Usually on a Friday night I try to a bring a certain lightness to my  blog but with the reports that President Obama plans to do it alone with a deal on Nuclear weapons with the terrorist nation nation of Iran the lightness has gone dark.  Not only would this be another unconstitutional act performed by a rogue President but this action directly puts our nation and it’s greatest ally at an extreme dangerous peril  For the President can not usurp the constitutional powers of Congress who has the duty to approve all treaty’s. If reports are correct this President continues to add fuel to the fire as he seeks the U.N approval before his own employees the American people.  Whether you’re a Democratic, Republican, Conservative, Liberal or anything in the middle this reported action of the President must be stopped!  I was told on a radio show short of impeachment which is impractical there is no way we can stop him but I beg to differ. Here are a few legal ways (below) we can demand action! PLEASE SHARE WITH OTHERS OUR COUNTRY NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING!!!!

(1)  Stop all funding to the U.N if this treaty is brought to them before it is brought to the citizen’s representatives in the House and Senate.

(2) Pass a new round of tougher sanction on Iran if the President won’t seek approval for this treaty from Congress.

(3) If the President continues to abuse his power cut off funding for all Presidential Perks (golf outings, butler service etc).

(4) File an immediate lawsuit to stop the President from trying to enforce a treaty that wasn’t approved by the Congress.

(5) Pray to G-D  that I’m totally off base and therefore the President’s & the administration are suddenly hit with a swift case of common sense that pulls them away from a deal that would be unconstitutional and dangerous.

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