Net Neutrality?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

“Net Neutrality” has a positive sound to it but in reality is a disaster for most consumers of internet service. The government is going to try to insure that we all get equal speed when using the internet but as we’ve seen with other governmental regulations it will only slow the service we all receive, cut innovation, and raise our costs. When we try to make things “equal for all” it will always the lower quality we receive as a whole because  the incentive to perfect a system through profits will be eliminated as can be illustrated through the cell phone. When the cell phone first came out it was an expensive large item for only the wealthiest in society at an average cost of  $1000 but do to the desire of companies to increase their profits they found a way to make them less expensive. Competition ensued and now even those with the least among us have cell phones with most of the same games and gadgets that all of us have.  A true system of free enterprise is the best system to keep costs and services at the best level for all because profits are are greater incentive then punishment.

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