Undiscovered Talent – FOUND

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments

practicing guitar

It’s sad that there are so many people who will live their lives without their true talent being shown to the world.  Here are a just a few reasons (below) this can occur and how it can be found.

(1) DEAD END- A person is stuck in a position in life that requires most of their time and feels there’s no true avenue of escape.

(2) FAILURE- One to many failures lead a person to low self esteem and destroy the will and desire to try something new.

(3) TEMPTATIONS- The temptations of seeking pleasure above purpose lead this individual away from the time and effort they need to be successful.

(4) DISCOURAGEMENT- One to many friends or family discourage the person from pursuing their dreams with terms like “be realistic, it’s not for you” etc.

(5) COMPLACENCY – You become satisfied with your lot/boat so why shake it up.


The first path to discovering that talent is to open it up to the world.  Showcase your “talent” to a group of strangers for free and gauge their response. If they believe you have something pursue it further and continually gauge their response. If the response is less then satisfactory you might try a different audience after additional preparation.  If this isn’t working maybe there is something that utilizes similar skills that might work.  Don’t quit your day job until this one pays at least the oil for the bacon but also don’t quit your dreams.

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