Wall Street Weekend Edition- 1/03/15

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Uncategorized - No Comments

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Here are the top stories from the weekend Edition of the Wall Street Journal for 1/03/15 that I could scribble on one piece of paper.  Therefore I decided to focus on 4 stories (below) and give a bit more depth to them.

(1) Europe’s Empty Church’s are for sale

(A) Observant Christianity continues to decline in Europe while Islam Expands

(B) Islam has gone from 4 % of the population in Europe to 6 % in 2010 and continues to grow.

(C)  Judaism has been steady.

(D) 515 Churches closed in Germany, 200 Danish churches closed,

(E) Churches are being used as Skating rinks, Supermarkets even as a Frankstein themed restaurant.

(2) Pope is expected to pick unusual Cardinals

(A) He is expected to pick Cardinals with a more liberal view on Gays & accepting Divorcees.

(B) The Pope is also more likely to appoint non-westerners into the church hierarchy especially from Latin America.

(C) Cardinals help decide church policy and appoint new Pope.

(D) New Cardinals replace individuals that have turned 80 years old.

(3) Ellie Stefarlik becomes the youngest woman to sit in Congress.

(A) Admires Margaret Thatcher

(B) Harvard Graduate

(C) Worked for President George W Bush

(D) Believes in cooperation not confrontation especially if it’s beneficial to her constituents.

(E) Is 30 years old

(4) Depression of 1920 was fought from a completely different path then today’s political world.

A. Raised Interest Rates and Balanced the budget.

B. Depression ended in 18  months vs 43 months in 1929 Depression.

(5) Love of hot food is explored.

A.  Capsaicin molecule produces the heat like sensation.

B.   This molecule works with the same area of the brain that produces pain and pleasure

C.  Animals can not be trained to enjoy spicy food at least with the current research.

D. Carolina Reaper is the hottest Chilli Pepper known to man.

E. It might be the machismo effect where the feeling of victory after eating such a dish is felt.






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