Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

wall street Journal


Here are the news stories that really made me think and the questions I asked.

(1) Three major signs point to a bear market is about to occur. Is it worth to start selling or should you wait till the storm passes.

(2) Will they introduce a $3 a month phone plan in the U.S. ? What would this actually cover.

(3) 1,700 were killed in Iraq in the month of July that is down from 2,400 in June.  Does it make sense that the media continues to focus on the Gaza Strip?

(4) President Obama is realizing a report claiming that the Bush Administration allowed the CIA to torture” (water-board) after 911.  Is this really a problem worth correcting?

(5) New rules on cupcake fundraisers at school fundraisers have been adopted. Couldn’t we do a bit more exercise after or before the cupcake instead?

(6) Uganda throws out anti gay legislation on a technicality.  How about they throw it out because the government shouldn’t be involved in what consenting adults do in the bedroom?

(7)India’s Manufacturing is up 17% in July.  I wonder if American jobs were pulled away and moved to India?

(8) Russia has added a 3 % sales tax.  Will this bring down the Russian economy and hurt Putin with his people?

(9) Peggy Noonan wrote an interesting article on how the current division in a country might truly divide our nation into separate parts. Does a leader need to find common ground so we can still have those divisions and still feel like one nation?

(10)There was a fascinating article that defended Zionism. Why should Zionism have to be defended when it’s successes not only benefit it’s people but good people around the world?

(11) A fascinating article explored how much we actually see and what  we truly miss? Is it truly worth looking at that painting a 2nd and 3rd time?

(12)If you want to remember words from foreign language it’s best to use imagery and memories.  I wonder if they teach these techniques in our schools?

(13) Two American’s with Ebola are returning to the U.S. for treatment. Does this open the door to more victims of Ebola coming to the U.S. and would we be prepared if they came?

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