Political Change not politics

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments


I have a great enthusiasm to see political change occur where more power is given to the people and less to the government but I hate the politics that can surround such debate.  The discussion and debate on ideas is to often thrown out and replaced by name calling, a popularity contest, and/or the style of the speaker.  When ideas that can truly make a difference gain traction the politician will usually resort to a bag of tricks to divert the public’s attention away from those ideas. Here’s a few ways (below) to fight back.

(1) Demand more debates from politician on the issues and punish those who refuse to attend.

(2) Ask specific questions on current policy debates and demand a clear answer. Pressure those politicians to answer the questions posed when they try to dive and dodge away.

(3) Put together a policy paper before an election that specifically and clearly states the politicians views on current issues.

(4) When dirt is thrown at a politician get a rag and wipe it away to reveal the truth about such an individual.

(5) Term limit all politicians  whether it’s on the books or not to insure that they truly understand the concerns of the common man and woman instead of the office they hold.

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