Why the arts are “liberal” and how that could change.

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy - No Comments


It appears that those that work or truly enjoy the “arts” tend to be more liberal then those who enjoy such activities as sports and business.  I believe this is because arts touches the heart and emotion while business can be cut and dry.  If a good businessman has a teddy bear that isn’t selling and taking up space they’ll throw it out and replace it with  a bag of cement that sells better while those in the arts might emotionally cling to that Teddy even if they lose money.  Therefore the way to attract those in the “arts” to the conservative point is to touch their emotionally strings. Numbers and figures don’t hit them as well as stories of life struggles, cute babies and a powerful music score.  Here are a few suggestions (below) on how we can change the narrative.

(1) Offer true live stories that have been changed because of the conservative message (rags to riches).

(2) Speak about issues in a way that touches the heartstrings like freedom, opportunity, and justice.

(3) Pick words that are more emotionally when speaking about an issue (see above).

(4) Don’t be afraid to let your emotions seep through your discussion. This is where a tear or two can truly touch someone.

(5)  Compare your struggles as an underdog against the big, powerful government.


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