Journal Note 3- 1/4/14

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, personal - No Comments

PAST:  I have had a spiritual journey that has led me through all the various forms of Judiasm and gave me more then a glancing look at Christianity.  I was brought up as reform synagogue and if there was a way to fail out before your Bar Mitzvah I would have found that way. The Synagogue reminded me more of a Church then a Shul because they had a choir, organ and there was more English then Hebrew. My family only went to services twice a year so I experimented with listening to televangilist such as Pat Robertson, Billy Graham etc.  I also dabled in the occult like reading palms and Ouija Board.

My Bar Mitzvah was not without controversy as the President of the Men’s Club wouldn’t allow me to wear the Talis that my parents brought back for me from Israel because they said the person I was sharing the Bar Mitzvah with didn’t have it. The entire choir had Talis but wouldn’t allow my friend to wear one. What made matters worse was that the rabbi wouldn’t get involved even though there was no religious reason for this view.

My must uncomfortable religious moment came when I attended Bryant University (was College in my days). I went to services during the high holidays and the rabbi took a Pro-Abortion stand. I felt that this was wrong to bring up during holidays and also told the rabbi that I felt differently on this issue. When I said my pro-life position made me feel like I don’t belong in the faith the Rabbi said I didn’t belong.  His coldness really hurt me.

Upon leaving college I experimented with various forms of Judiasm. I went to services held by those of Jewish Scientology as well as an Orthodox Shul that had beginning Sabbath Services. Upon my move to my current location I moved to a Conservative Synagogue where I raised my children. Although I didn’t wasn’t deeply involved in the Synagogue  I had a great relationship with the Rabbi even though our political philophosies couldn’t be more different. Unfortunately that didn’t hold true for other members of the Synagogue who wouldn’t allow me to co-moderator a debate with a Democratic when they found out I was in the Tea Party. I started seriously considering leaving the Synagogue after  I was again invited to Co-Moderator the next year only to see my invitation pulled away after being called an extremist. Personal events added to that decision and we explored various Synagogues in the area. This has led me to my current Shul.  It is a Shul I wish I had found when I was younger. The rabbi is extremely warm, understanding and knowledgeable on the Torah. The congregants are some of the finest people that I have ever met and am proud to call many of them my friend.


PRESENT:  Great time at Shul today where I participated in some deep discussions with the rabbi and congregants. I started looking for a new dog as I went a local animal shelter and explored options online.  I went to dinner with sister and brother-in-law while watching one of the greatest football games ever Chiefs vs Colts.


FUTURE: I plan to do some routine household chores, work on an outline for a new script, work on a short I hope to produce new weekend, go to the gym and do work for the Shul. I’m tired already.

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