Nuclear option is frightning

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - 2 Comments

kangroo court

It’s interesting that breaking the filibuster rule in the Senate is called the “Nuclear Option” is this because it is a threat to the very foundations blocks of our Democracy? Maybe the answer to this question  should be analyzed on the principal  of whether we believe the minority party should have a voice in our governance or whether we believe that majority should rule and control.  If we believe that majority should rule without any voices from the minority party then could that lead to suppression of minority rights?

The majority party said that they are only changing this policy as it relates to judicial appointments (other then the Supreme Court).  Isn’t the separation of powers a crucial factor in insuring that our constitution protects all of our citizens? If a judicial appointment owes their position only to one party would that judicial appointment only be concerned about protecting their rights? The scary truth is of course that would occur but what is most frightening is the President could openly appoint judges as “yes man/woman” without any fear that the minority party could stop their appointment in anyway.  If the President stacks the courts he could then insure that his executive orders and “waivers in legislation” will go through a “Kangaroo Court” that will always side with him.  We therefore must tell the Senate to reinstate the Filibuster to insure that all of our citizens voices are heard and the constitution is truly protected



  1. Joan November 22, 2013 5:10 am / Reply

    When the mob rules that IS a Democracy, when the individual or the minority still has a voice that is a Republican Democracy. We have been losing our Republic for awhile but this is just the icing on the top for the mob.

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