Success- How do you spell it?

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


I’ve always wondered what success truly means. Is it the amount of toys you own whether it be a fancy car, a Rolex watch, a beautiful house etc?   Like any proud capitalist I love my  toys but I don’t think you can measure success  by this criteria because items get old and it gets harder and harder to keep up with the Trumps. Popularity has also seemed like it might give me that feeling of success but times change and what is popular today may not be popular in the future. It must feel great then to have the power to make incredible changes but with greater power becomes greater responsibility and also more pains in the neck and in the… So how can you measure success if none of these criteria actually achieve this goal. I believe it is simple “Exceed your Expectations.

Others have expected you to achieve certain “realistic” goals in your life based on the talents and abilities you have, it is time that you exceed those goals. You can exceed those goals by being a better husband or father then others expected or by being a better boss or employer or simple being a better person then the world had expected.  Therefore you don’t have to be a “Rock Star”, “Donald Trump”, or President to be truly a success you can be yourself with just a little plus and your success will shine through it all.

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