California Senator Feinstein Indicted

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


9/29/2019- California Senator Feinstein is the latest Democratic Senator to be indicted after a one week investigation into Justice Brett Kavanaugh led to a deeper investigation into the system that led to Professor Ford’s accusation. Although the initial one week investigation into Justice Kavanagaugh led to no conclusions it opened a bunch of worms that the President allowed the FBI to pursue. Here are some of the conclusions they have so far reached.

(1) Senator Feinstein office purposely leaked confidential information to the Washington Post.

(2) George Soro’s has funded the entire operation from the polygraph test, GoFundme page to  Professor Fords worldwide “Speak Out” Tour.

(3) Senator Feinstein’s former driver a Chinsese Spy worked in coordination with the Senator to help spread the news. Which led to her indictment today.

FOOTNOTE: This is fake news but beware opening up this investigation against Judge  Kavanaugh might lead to the real truth behind all the dirty monies and tricks to get him. Leaving him Justice Kavanaugh and fingerprints for many who have tried to bring him down at all costs.

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