Florida’s Governor Race- Tale of Two Worlds

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Florida Governors Race

You couldn’t ask for a more controversial governors race with two different idealogues going head to head as Democrat Andrew Gillum will be facing Republican Ron DeSantis in Florida and the outcome could decide which way the country as a whole will go.  Each candidate proudly stands openly with their political views point and has the energy/tenacity for the fight. Florida will decide if socialism or capitalism is the way to go this November as the nail biting begins today.

Break up Google- WON’T BE SEEN

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Monopoly Monopoly 2

This post will probably not be seen by many because the one’s that control the information will try to keep it hidden.  The truth is even if “Google” and “Twitter” are just playing with algorithm instead of facts they still put themselves in jeopardy by being too big.  There is no way one side or the other won’t believe that they are bending top stories based on what they want the public to see not on honest views.  By breaking up the business either voluntarily or if need be by government decree these companies will be forced to find competiting customers with different views and/or interests enabling all voices to be heard instead of just one valley stuffed with silicone. Monopolizing any one industry creates problems of efficiency and integrity so let the chopsaw begin to open up the market again.

Business Car for FUTURE

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Future Car Future Car 2

It’s time that we develop a car for the business person who still needs to work while traveling instead of spend endless unproductive hours. Here are some of the basic features (below) which would be part of the automatic installation.

(1) EMAIL UPDATES- Constant emails would display on your front panel which you could respond to with verbal command. During these email breaks the self driving feature would take over so you can worry about business conditions rather then road conditions.

(2) VOICE ACTIVATED EVERYTHING- Instead of worrying about which button needs to be pressed this car would listen to your words and work accordingly allowing you the time to work on other projects during your travel

(3) SWIVEL CHAIRS- In the self driving mode you could actually have a conference with your key individuals before you get to one.

(4) REMINDERS- This car would allow you to keep up with your calendar even if it’s changing faster then the speedometer.

(5) TEXTING WHILE SELF DRIVING- Don’t worry the self driving feature will take over so you can be distracted with those texts messages all day long.

(6) COFFEE BREAK- Your car will have your beverages ready to go so you can move two feet forward.

Future Car 3 future car 4



Blame It on my Bris

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It all started when I was 8 days old with a little snip in front of 100’s of people.  People say you forget your Bris but let’s  say they ran out of the Manischewitz after the procedure or it was a bad year, for I saw it all. Everyone looking at me in my birthday suit and just as I was just getting over a really great nap.  Imagine if you can the humiliation of everyone seeing you butt naked (literally) and watching your Shmuck (literally) go by, by. There were cheers of delight when it was all over but all I could think about was pass me the Vodka this wine is doing nothing. What a nightmare that turned out to be a blessing after all. Boy and they wonder why we Jews are so confused. G-D this has to be a divine act because who would have come up with such an act that one could eat a bagel with.

FOOTNOTE- If none of this makes sense to you please ask your local Rabbi or Priest that has a Jewish friend.

Liberal Bully

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Trust me I was on the receiving end of many a bully growing up so I’m sick of the new type that is growing in society today.  Liberal bullies use the same tactics even physical (Antifa) to intimidate others who intefere with their power base. They won’t dump your books but try to stop your thoughts on many a social media page. Liberal bullies will call you all different names to try and cower you into their position or make sure you can’t hang out with the popular children (actually adults in age).  We should condemn bullying from all quarters and instead allow people to be who they want to be even if it’s a proud red, white and blue conservative.


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Cracking Point 1  Cracking Point 2

It’s that one point that causes you too lose your cool.  Maybe it’s the word, phrase or act which won’t allow any light to seep just pure yoke. Everyone has it and for others it might appear it should be harder but for you it’s cracking just thinking the point. Once it’s occurred we try to scramble it up so something good can come of it but unless we put it in the proper containment and add a few additives it will just be a mess.  Even as we try to harden our shell the same cracking points might occur in similar shells until we box them up and hope they be shipped somewhere else.

I SHOULd ! ???

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hidden woman

He raped me…. at least with his eyes.  I don’t necessarily go forward for myself but the other victims who stand in my shadow. Yes, it was just a slight touch but I knew he wanted more and to tell you the the truth so did I? So why did he reject me when we could have had so much more and he knew it.  Like the others he tossed me away but little did he know that this woman would speak and add a few lines to bring this case out in the open. Yes, I’m a brave soul/woman who has made sure others are not hurt by this monster even if he didn’t really show his fangs to me I knew they were there….or were they?


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Calendar 2Calendar 2

There are things that I incorporate in my daily life that are above the normally bodily function and ones I’m going to try to add here are just a few (below).  I would add eating but with Yom Kippur coming shortly I can’t forget not to forget this activity.  What is on your own daily calendar and do you have time to add a few more.

(1) PRAYER– This is one I don’t want to forget for I don’t want me or my loved ones to be left and thank G-D I’m hear for another day to ask.

(2) EXERCISE-  It may not be at the gym but as long as there is a floor I can get in a few push ups.

(3) READING-  No it’s not “War & Peace” but life is a bit more peaceful when you escape to reading something instead of watching it.

(4) LAUGHING-  It is a medicine I need to take more of in my daily life.

(5)  CLEANING-  Not a daily activity that’s on my fun list until I see the result.

(6) LISTENING-  I have to remember I have two ears as well as eye’s with only one mouth to respond.

(7) THINKING-  Even in the craziest schedule I must allow my mind to think of creative thoughts that might be a bit bizzare or off the usual mark.

Chocolate GUILT

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guilty guilty puppy

As a Chocolate Connoisseur I’ve crossed the Cocao line and now have to deal with the consequences.  Yes, I know that anyone of my ilk should not have a bar that has less then 85 % Cacao but this Vosges had Coconut Ash & Banana in the formula. Where else can I find a bar that had this combination even if it was only 72 % Cacoa in it.  It is something I will have to live with but at least it is short lived. For 72 % Cacao doesn’t stay in your taste buds for too long.

369 (Front) Vosgues

** 1/2-  Add a extra half star if you’re there for more then the Cacao.

HELP WANTED- A**hole translator

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Obnoxious Person 1 Obnoxious Person 2

WANTED –  Trained A**hole translator.

This person must be experienced in A**hole’s from all different backgrounds, sexes and ethnicities for their is no creed, color or race that doesn’t have a few.  A**hole translator must be able to convert their obnoxious, sarcastic, nasty and crude words into sentences that are properly understood. Individuals should also be able to respond in  A**hole when there is no other recourse.  Please apply at any local retailer near you.


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