Proper Attire

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

Suit at the beach not fittin in

As you probably know I’m not interested or worried about fitting in but I don’t have to fit out.  For example I wore a suit to a rock concert but that was because my suit was on as  the concert began.  I enjoy mixing up my clothes so it has a distinct look from the rest of the crowd but not one that belongs in a totally different arena. Sometimes I will choose not to go to an event or place because I feel I can’t be who I am without hurting those who invited me to attend. Here are some of the rules (below) I try to follow.

(1) NOT OFFEND- There is a red line between standing out and making a scene. Over time that line gets faded but you can see it if you choose to look.

(2) FAITH- If there is a certain look that one must possess to share this ritual I can either attend the ritual or let others enjoy it without me.

(3) FIGHT BACK- Logic should have a ruling in the attire and if there is none I will attempt a polite rebutal with a backup (Yamaka under Hat). I might even join the political debate on such a topic with the leaders that be.


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