3 Doctors

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments


Before you take that prescription to the pharmacy or go for a “deeper exam” evaluate the doctor that you have.

nervous doctor

Is he the doctor that calls a common cold an upper respiratory infection as fears grip him with every breath. The nervous doctor might give a perfect healthy person the feel of having a heart attack but will make sure they are fully taken care even if you don’t need this much care.

cool doctor 2

Could your doctor be so laid back that he’ll make even those fit for a coffin feel they are over reacting. The Cool Doctor might be quite mellow under your stress but remember it’s your life on the line not his hairline.  Yes, it’s good to take everything one step at a time except when your health is skipping a step or 2.

dishonest doctor

Then there is the doctor looking at you as if you are an investment and how much $$ they can milk the insurance companies out of your visit. This doctor will look to perform test after test even though your results have been negative from the moment you walked in. They’ll give you a clean bill of health only after your wallet is cleaned.

Of course most doctors are honest, hard working individuals who look for the best medical care for their patients but a few lean to these profiles above.

FOOTNOTE- I received this medical advise from a doctor.

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