Mental Illness & Guns- DEEPER LOOK

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

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No rational person wants someone who is not being treated for a mental health issue possessing guns but a simple ban might do more harm then then good for everyone. For example  will a person refuse treatment for a slight problem  before it becomes deadly serious because they fear they will be deprived of their 2nd amendment rights? Could those in power claim others are “mentally ill” to claim additional power grabs?  With such concerns here are solutions that I believe could work instead.

(1) WORK WITH PATIENTS– Let psychiatrist/psychologist/therapist discuss with patients the possession of guns to convince them of their safety concerns if need be.  If a danger persists in this case professionals should have special exceptions to alert those in law enforcement who can seek immediate court action to remove those weapons until threat is controlled.

(2) LOVED ONES ALERT– Individuals can alert law enforcement officials if they believe a loved one doesn’t have the ability to safely own these weapons. This individual will then have two psychiatric reviews if the court believes there is enough evidence to order such a review.  If it is determined that the individual is not competent to possess such weapons they will be confiscated until proper treatment is obtained.

(3) ALERT GUN STORES-  Notify gun stores of individuals that appear to be on the borderline of mental health and train them to spot signs that these individuals might not be best equipped to possess such arms. Gun Owners may not have the ability to deny such ownership but will automatically alert an NRA Liaison Officer and Law Enforcement to conduct a more thorough investigation. (See previous blog post  for additional  details

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