G-D Spoke…. How?

Posted by Bruce - in basic judaism, Blog - No Comments

Faith FAITH 2

As a person of faith I remember many a time where G-D spoke to me not in actual words but in actions that gave me direction and changed a path. Yet if someone actually said G-D spoke to them one on one I would like to know how? For with today’s technology it could be through a text or email message as easily as if it was verbally and probably have more of an impact.  Imagine if G-D became the 5001 Facebook friend (should probably be 1) you probably would have a lot more followers. Further note  if G-D was to use those means what font would he use would their be a new color or just black/white and how large would the letters be? Would such a message have a reply box to it as well and who would be able to respond? Could you share this message with others or would you be the only one to see the true meaning?  In truth maybe those messages have been coming our way in all different formats already but we have not been reading between the lines?

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