A Box Office Battle -Between Good & Probably Bad

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It’s a box office battle between the critically acclaimed film Dunkirk and critically pawned move “Emoji” as this week the children will decide who wins with the weather report as a motivating force. For if the weather turns a bit bleaker parents will pour their children into the movie theater to see “Emoji”, maybe with earplugs and a night mask for themselves. While if the weather appears a bit brighter they might take the time to see a bit of a more darker film “Dunkirk”.  By Sunday night we will truly know who holds the power of this week’s popcorn and this decision can effect the movies we see in the  near future.

Rotten Tomatoes Emoji       Rotten Tomatoes Dunkirk


[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/o_nfdzMhmrA”]


Selena Gomez- Vocal Range

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Is this a good test of Selena Gomez vocal range? It appears she has but is this song audio tuned or is it her pure talent? I guess those at a life concert will have it to be determined … although I guess she could be lip syncing ? Well at least it’s a decent song.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/NZKXkD6EgBk”]

Parents Diary- Set A Role Model and they will what?

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Writing in Diary 2 Writing in Diary

They say if you set a role mode your children will follow but I believe my children are reading a different book.  My children are walking down paths that I believed were much too treacherous then I would ever step. Maybe they are right in a way that I have not seen or can see for now, it’s just quite different then the way I have acted in front of them. It is also true that the role I have set is a bit deeper in terms of the character  then the steps that can easily be seen and bits/pieces of those characteristics have seeped into my children but these (below) appear to be missing/additions. My children are great people who truly care it’s just in many different roles I have never performed.

(1) WORKING- There is no great desire to have a constant flow of independent income if it doesn’t come from the source you  completely desire.

(2) GYM- They have no desire to follow my footsteps on the treadmill or even under the bench.

(3) TRADITIONAL FAITH- Observation of faith is kept hidden and there is a deeper passion to challenge then try to understand.

(4) WORDS USED- Where I have refrained from certain vernacular and harsh phrases they don’t have any of these taboos.


Justin Bieber- New Path?

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Justin Beiber

Could Justin Bieber have found a new path that truly let’s his wings spread? It is rumored that Pastor Carl Lentz from the Hilsong Pentecostal Church has had a profound effect on this singer and since the song is good news I think this might be worth spreading.  For if Justin Bieber has truly found his spiritual grounding maybe he can  help any of his lost followers from finding their own deeper path. A spokesperson such as Justin Bieber for faith as a whole can only help those that belief and those that are still searching.

Television Confusion- Help!

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flicking channels 3 Channel Flicking 4

Please help me find that one show which we keep me enthralled or a bit excited throughout it’s time period.  My 500 channels, Netflix and Amazon Prime Channels have got me thoroughly confused. There is too much choice I don’t know where to begin and where I should stay. For if I watch one show am I missing something great on a different show? It was so much easier when in cavemen times we had 3 basic channels to choose from and if nothing peaked your interest you could actually go outside and enjoy watching that world around you.  Now I’m thoroughly confused and need a television rescue to save my day or a bark to get me the hell away the tube which is making me a boob.

Fun Song

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It’s no Rolling Stones song but a good fun weekend song.  Pop fun for you and your family unless Myley has her influence on her.

[youtube_sc url=”https://youtu.be/LEJlyyyAlDE”]

Reince Priebus Replaced by General John Kelly-GOOD MOVE

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Reince Preibus 1  John Kelly

Finally some good political news as Reince Priebus was let go to bring in the General. I love Reince but when he failed to get the Senate to approve any change in Obamacare it was time to go home. The general hopefully will protect the President from any unnecessary leak and work to put all the forces together to get the Trump agenda through the finish line even if some heads must roll.  It’s a political war out there and maybe we need a general to win it for the American people.

A Little Jealous

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Jealous 2

One of the hardest commandments for human’s to keep is to not envy another. How does someone not desire even a bit what others have when it appears they have so much less especially. To make that pounding even more hard there appears those that have so much more do so much less then you to gain it. Can’t a little jealousy be good as it inspires us to shoot for baskets way past the foul line? The truth is even a little jealousy makes us feel bad and just like feelings of hate it brews up before we know we’re boiling.  Instead may G-D let those feelings dwindle as we see the great things in our plate and reminiscence about the pieces that were there before as that inspires us to look forward with happiness, health and our own personal success.

Reminiscing Works

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Memory Lane 2

When life appears to be going down the wrong path maybe it’s time to take a quick trip down memory lane.  Of course it’s important to make sure they are good memories which lead you to paths of success, laughs and happiness not tears.  Reminiscing can clear the path of rubbage that stands in your way to make you see a new path of happiness and success that you didn’t see before.

Disgusted Republican- Howard Relief

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SKINNY BILL FAILSHoward Stern Laughing

I’m a disgusted Tea Party Conservative Republican who is fed up with wimpy worthless Senate Republicans who promised for 7 years to repeal and replace Obamacare and failed even to pass a Skinny replacement so Howard had to come to my rescue.   At least I know when Howard speaks he means what he says even if sometimes it’s a bit “repulsive” at least it’s real and really funny. Thank you Howard for this relief from the disgust of a party that is becoming a joke.

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