Super Tuesday- I’m lost but…

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

Super Tuesday lost

“Super Tuesday” left me lost not sure where a part of my life was going.  Throughout my early childhood till that night I was a proud Conservative Republican starting with Ronald Reagan on policies such as Pro-Life, Pro-Business, Pro-America Strength aboard but last night it felt as if the party turned dark.  It was not just the negative messages of the leader of the race Donald Trump that has resonated throughout “Republican circles” now throughout the country that has made me it appear as the door has closed on my face but that their is no depth in his answers. Truly intellectual conservative discussion and discourse based on constitutional principles has been thrown to the side replaced with trash talk, one liners and a reality series that has become real. 

I know I was naive or dreamy but until last night I felt that those same conservatives throughout this great land would come back to a true Constitution Conservative who had the best chance to win back 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue but this morning I’m lost and the keys have been left in the Delorean .  It is true that Marco Rubio finally won a state (Minnesota) and that Ted Cruz won 3 so the race goes on but even if their is an unbelievable upset it still feels as if my party of Reagan has lost it’s ump and I’m wondering if a different path in life must I take as well. I’ve battled many personal political defeats and despair in the past (from Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, Don’t fight Congress etc)  but this one appears to be the straw that sent this Camel to the Chiropractor.   Today I will walk an unknown path as I explore the artistic and faith side of my life with a bit more depth that the political side has taken for the last 40 or so years. Where I end up only G-D knows but getting myself depressed is one avenue I refuse to walk… today.

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