Republican Presidential Election South Carolina- Donald Trump

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments

donald trump

I’ve decided to do an introspective of each candidate running for the Presidency in the format of good, bad & maybe even ugly (see below).  Donald Trump is the front runner so I believe that’s a good place to start. I’ll start out with the positive because I believe it’s important to see the good before you look toward the bad. I hope this introspective will help the voters in South Carolina and the other primary states look at the big picture as everything is thrown out them. Please feel free to add your own comments as well.


1. OUTSIDER- He has not worked in the system and therefore might have a unique perspective to it.

2. INDEPENDENT- Donald is self financing his campaign so he doesn’t own anybody anything plus he has enough wealth to not worry about what he would be doing after the Presidency. Therefore he could truly do the work of the people or (supposed to be positive)

3. GREAT NEGOTIATOR/BUSINESSMAN- As he says better then me (but not in his exact words) he has the ability and knowledge to know when to make a deal and when to walk away from one whether it be on trade or foreign policy.

4. POLITICAL INCORRECT- Mr. Trump is not afraid to say what many have been thinking but were afraid would cost too much if they opened their mouth.

5. TOUGH- Donald Trump is ready and willing to say “you’re fired” to any government bureaucrat that won’t perform their duties.

6. COMMITTED LOYAL FOLLOWERS- His followers appear to support him no matter what “political error” he might commit and will come out in a blizzard to vote for him.


1.OUTSIDER – Mr. Trump has no real experience working in government and all the angles and people it truly takes to build legislation momentum there. It is if a restaurant owner decided to build a skyscraper.

2. PLATITUDE- Donald speaks of big policy changes without the real specifics of how it would be done. How could he pass legal constitution muster to ban on all Muslim’s from entering the U.S isn’t that an obvious violation of our 1st Amendment?

3. EGO – A President must be confident not only in himself but more importantly his country. How could he deal with legislative and/or judicial defeat of his actions? Would he respect the constitution and let the 3 branches have their power or would he usurp one or more if he didn’t get his way?

4. CONSERVATIVE-Play tapes of Donald Trump c. 5 years ago and he will appear to be as liberal as Hillary Clinton supporting Abortion, Obamacare, and even Hillary Clinton. How can we trust that he’s had such a change of heart that stays passed the election cycle?

5. TOUGH- Can Donald Trump truly dial it down when time calls for it or would he push the buttons of conflict way to soon?

6. COMMITTED DETRACTORS- There is a large group that strongly opposes the Donald and will vote through a  hurricane for a rock over him no matter what good policy decisions he might come up with.



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