Prescription Drugs…. paths to Heroin

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Philosophy, Political - No Comments


The path to Heroin too often starts down the path of legal Prescription Pain Killing drugs. It is said that up to  80% of those on Heroin today started out with Pain Killing drugs therefore if we are to battle this epidemic shattering our communities we must have better control on the pain killing drugs prescribed in our society.  I can’t imagine the difficulties those that have chronic pain go through but for the good of society and these individuals pain killers must be the last choice not the 1st choice. Here are a few ways (below) we can truly help those suffering and society as a whole.

(1) PRESCRIPTION OF PAIN REDUCING TECHNIQUES- Classes of Yoga, Therapy, Meditation, Acupuncture and natural remedies should be given a chance to work before prescription of pain killing medicines occurs.

(2) HOLISTIC APPROACH TO MEDICINE- Where the medicine is given as part of a whole plan to deal with pain  (Yoga, Therapy, Meditation etc) and eventual to lower the dosage or eliminate them all together.

(3)MEDICINE WITH EVALUATION- Medicines are given to those that have tried all alternatives and are in a holistic program but these individuals are carefully monitored to insure they don’t slip through the cracks.  This might include monthly or bi-monthly meetings with therapist/doctors ,  Faith community sponsored groups or work with local law enforcement.

(4) TOUGH DRUG TREATMENT FACILITIES- Places where individuals who have become addicted to these substances can get the proper treatment 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  It will be tough treatment but it will work for those who truly want to get better.

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