Don’t play the “Trump Game”

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, Political - No Comments

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“Donald Trump” is sitting in the board room and the media are at his beckon call. For this campaign maybe just as much about publicity as it is about becoming  President. The only way the media will be able to have a respected seat is if they stop with the “gotcha questions” and start asking specific policy questions that require specific detailed answers. Once Mr. Trump starts speaking in generalities then continue to ask him for more specifics. Here’s a few questions that should be asked.

(1) Please give the specifications of the type of wall you want to build between Mexico in the United States. In that answer please describe the length, material that will be used, time frame it should take to build and the actual cost no matter who would pay.

(2) What specifically would you do to defeat ISIS. Please include in your answer the military as well as intelligence assets that would have to be utilized and how you could mobilize other countries to get involved in such a fight.

(3) Do you believe it’s important for a President to have humility if so how when you insure  that you’re kept grounded?


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