My Diary 5-25-15

Posted by Bruce - in Blog, diary - No Comments


I’ve always tried to perform some charitable act and today was no exception.  Meals for Wheels needed a handed and I provided 6 (with my children) along side.  To be honest this was the 2nd time I did this and it was becoming tiresome. Was I really helping individuals who had no where else to turn or was I continuing a dependent cycle that only hurt everyone involved. In the end I can’t tell you that my volunteer activities met the goals I set but at when I saw one older lady who’s husband served in the War I knew that it was going to some that truly needed it.  In the past my charity activities have included working for NY Cares,  Food Pantries (employment services), running in charity marathon’s, volunteering at Senior Citizen Centers and VA Hospitals etc.

I HOP- It still serves the best value breakfast for the entire family but leaves you with enough extra pounds to go to the gym.

CARS- We were looking for an Auto Stop car/Adaptive Cruise Control and were shocked at the ignorance of so many different dealers. The only dealer to truly understand this mechanism was Dodge and we will continue the search to find the safest car at the right price.

INDIAN FOOD BUFFET- Food was a problem today because we ate too much after I-Hop the Indian Buffet topped it off. Gym tomorrow.

DOGS-  I love my dogs but sometimes they hate my friends and show it. The wheels are in motion to insure that they learn to love or at least tolerate them and other four legged friends in the future


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