Voices of liberalism.

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments

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I never fully understood the blind allegiance many in the African American community had to the liberal movement until I starting reading “Voices of Freedom An Oral History of the Civil Rights Movement from the 1950’s through the 1980’s”.   My previous thoughts were based  on the  hear and now not on the painful history that occurred during the civil rights battle.  I realized now that during the horrible days of segregation it was those “progressives” who fought the hardest and  sometimes with their lives to assure basic human rights and dignity in the south. The memories of the struggles these groups and individuals went through to gain those basic rights are imprinted on many of the people who lived in those days and passed down to the next generation. Yet if we in the Conservative movement follow certain steps (below) we will be welcoming new member that will only make our movement stronger.

(1) Acknowledge the sacrifice that those from different political viewpoints made to bring freedom and basic human dignity to so many.

(2) Inform many that the movement also consisted of  those from traditional religious communities and “Conservative Republicans” in Congress that fought to pass legislation to insure such freedoms and human dignity in the future.

(3) Not only reach out to the communities but continue to support fine representatives of the community such as Congressman Allen West, Senator Tim Scott, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

(4) We must truly connect to the communities not with a telephone poll but through love and understanding. This includes getting involved in local charitable events, walking and listening to those on the street and debating those at the local radio shows.

(5) Finally we have to demonstrate that the “Conservative Movement” is a civil rights movement itself. As it seeks to enable the individual to pursue their highest goals and protects the least among us (the unborn).


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