It’s a painful memory that I thought Mrs. Johansson would have let drop but after a through interview with Howard Stern I guess she felt she had to bring it up, now it’s my time to tell the truth. Me and Mrs. Johansson met at a party in which we had some mutual friends concerning the film industry and a bridge that was up for sale. We initially hit it off for know one can deny she has quite the look especially in the Pink hair days. Yet I noticed even in the first conversation that I was basically left out it was all about her and what new project she was starting or finishing. I decided to give it a try and we agreed to meet for a cup of coffee after the party but when she said at the last minute that there was a change in her schedule for some emergency hair work I decided not to pursue it with her. We’re just too different in our philosophies, work life and even interests (I sometimes like to speak about me). She kept calling me day and night for weeks to try and find a way for us to get together but I just knew it wasn’t in the cards and told her straight to her face. I guess my words were lost in translation as she continues to hold a grudge whether it be real or made up.
Further note – We can still be friends.