Study Tips that work and save Time

Posted by Bruce - in Blog - No Comments

studying for college exam  Exam Exhaustion

If only I had  learned “Peter M Vishton’s” techniques for studying before I went to college I would have had hours more time to party.  These techniques below were revealed to me in “Scientific Secrets for a Powerful Memory”  part of The Great Courses selection which live up to their name a bit too late in my case.  Here are a few of the key rules (below) and if you want more revelations buy the tape it will be a good investment in time and party.

(1) Agree to memorize certain facts and repeat those facts a certain amount of times.  Start out with two or three times repeating this information. It doesn’t matter whether it be spelling words, geometric equations, historical facts etc this technique will work.

(2) Take a break for 1 hour.

(3) Test yourself you will have forgotten at least 1/2 the facts but once you start studying them again you will retain this information at a much faster pace. Test yourself as you did in step in.

(4) Take a break for 2 hours

(5) Repeat step 3 and you will see that you’ve retained a great deal of information but still pieces are missing.  Studying time will be even faster and retention for the pieces that are still missing will be even greater.

(6) Take a 4 hour break

(7) Repeat step 3 and you’ll see an incredible learning and retention skill. Repeat this same process doubling or so the break time until you have the whole cake and the party can begin. I would recommend non-alcoholic party for alcohol destroys brain cells and/or memory.

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