My Story- Part I- Bud In Joseph’s Sandals- Section 5

Posted by Bruce - in Uncategorized - No Comments


I was taken from small police precinct on 34th Street to a major holding facility for those in-between. You might say in-between life and death for at this facility nobody was officially even charged with a crime we just waited and waited for up 24-48 hours not having a clue of what was going on and who would represent our truth.

When those prison doors closed I didn’t have a clue what would occur. Of course I trusted the system but if they could get the basic facts screwed up then there was no telling where this would lead. I tried to call my family members but they had all gone out and this was way before cell phones came in use. Finally I got in touch with a friend Kevin Hanratty who somehow managed to find my family at a party that was soon coming to a crash stop. My family somehow managed to find a lawyer who’s first reaction was that I can spend the next 75 years in jail if found guilty of all the charges.  What was going on this was a country that I always believed in how could they get this so wrong and now with the words of this lawyer I wondered what was the point of living?  It’s strange how those who were considered the worst in society could inspire me to fight on and the few “prisoners” I met were truly good people in bad situations.  Throughout my 30 hours in jail I didn’t sleep a minute on my steel bed or eat the bread with ham in it (No Ham for me) but just like the water downed red punch my anger built minute by minute.  My mind, body and soul became cold and focused only on getting revenge for the injustice brought upon me.

My parents were able to find a more competent and inspiring lawyer Michael Bachner who was present at my bail hearing which led to my body being released from prison but not my mind or soul.  Throughout the next six months I went through numerous exams to prove my innocents including lie detector tests, demonstrating that the location Tom Steven’s said the incident occurred was closed at that time and documenting that I was at home during the time it supposedly occurred. The prosecution finally dropped the charges before a grand jury was called after Tom Steven’s said he would seek that the charges were dropped if some  Y.R files were put back in his possession.  They must have released how silly it was to go on with a case that was only based on Steven’s vindictive hate.

Though the charges were dropped I continued to be filled with hate and rage until a story from the bible set me straight


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